Training Corps Pt. 5 Chase and Rescue

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Zach POV:

"Guys we have a situation!" Thomas called out causing me to look forward and notice a lone green smoke signal.

Collin, Melissa, and I quickly rode ahead and reconvened with our group. "Is that a smoke signal?" Collin asked in a curious tone.

"No, it's a colorful cloud." Gabriel snapped sarcastically, irking me.

"Shut it Wald, this is serious." I retorted making the other boy huff.

"Whatever it is it's definitely not a good sign. We were strictly instructed to only let off a signal if something went horribly wrong." Reiner commented.

"Do you think we were too late?" I then asked nobody in particular.

"Hopefully not." Mikasa let out with a concerned expression.


Fiona POV:

I sat next to Christa in the moving carriage with our hands both bound. I sighed as I stared out the back of the wagon, watching the trees and other plants pass by rapidly. Across from the two of us were two brigands now without their masks who seemed excited about their haul.

"I told you this job was going to be easy Joseph." One of the men said. The other man just sighed and continued polishing the rifles in the crate next to him. "Oh come on, we were able to secure both groups gear and we even got the girl."

The second man known as Joseph finally put the rifle down in his lap and gazed at the first man. "Would you just shut up already Klein. I'd rather finish this job in peace."

"That won't stop me from celebrating." Klein said before looking to both Christa and I with a lecherous stare. "I mean I'll enjoy tonight, even if she's a damn feral."

His words made my blood boil. 'This fucker.' I thought as rage flowed through me. Suddenly though out of nowhere I could hear a slight commotion behind the wagon. All of us simultaneously turned and were greeted with an improbable sight, in the next wagon two figures who seemed to be Jean and Eren were fighting the other thieves. 'What the hell?' I thought as I watched the unexpected scene behind unfold.

Not skipping a beat, Joseph pulled up the rifle he had been cleaning and aimed it toward the duo. Noticing this Christa leapt up and moved his arm causing the bullet to be redirected to the rear wagon's wheel destroying it in the process.

"You bitch!" He yelled out as I took my opportunity to tackle Klein.

We tumbled across the wagon and I was able to get on top of him but before I could do anything Christa yelled. "Fiona!"

I slightly turned my head and my heart sank as I saw that Joseph had grabbed another rifle and had it trained on me. I quickly jumped out of the way and heard a gunshot go off followed by a howl of pain.

"FUUUCK! JOESPH WHAT THE HELL!" Klein screamed out as a fresh shoulder wound began to pour out blood staining his tan shirt.

Breathing heavily I stood up and charged as he began to grab another loaded rifle from the crate. Though before either of us could make a move the familiar sound of ODM Gear filled the area followed quickly by a hook knocking the rifle out of his hands.

I smiled as I knew we held the advantage now but my happiness was short lived however as the wagon lurched forward and crashed as the brakes were engaged. I flew forward as the wagon fell sideways and skidded to a stop, hands still bound together. After a few moments trying to reorient myself I finally was able to sit up, looking around I could still hear the expulsion of gas from the ODM Gear.

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