Battle for Trost Pt.2 Rogue Titan

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Fiona POV:

We flew across the rooftops distracting and eliminating any titans we came in contact with. Our strategy with how to deal with them was pretty simple, Zach, Connie, and Ymir would immobilize our targets by striking their achilles and arms, opening them up for a swift strike by me, Christa, and our newest addition Armin. As we flew across the city two titans appeared from our right as we flew by what looked like a clocktower.

"We've got a 7 meter and a 13 meter over there, let's separate them before striking. Connie you go with Christa and Armin and deal with the 7 meter, Ymir Fiona and I will deal with the 13 meter." Zach commanded as we looped around to deal with the monstrosities.

"Understood!" Connie yelled out as he along with Christa and Armin zipped by the smaller target and lured it from the other.

"What the hell Zach, why does Christa need to go with them it's a small fry?" Ymir protested as we approached the 13 meter class.

"With Armin's mental state he'll need the help, now let's deal with this one alright." I said gaining a dissatisfied look from Ymir.

Ymir swooped down and tried to cut at the titans ankle but as she did the titan turned making her cut too shallow. The titan seemed to take notice of the fly buzzing around it, and swiftly grabbed the girl. "Shit!" Was all Ymir could say before the giant's fist closed around her.

I quickly went for the wrist of the hand that grabbed my friend, slicing right into the muscle. This thankfully gave the brunette enough room to wriggle her way out of its tight grasp, and fly away to safety. Soon after Zach swooped in and cut its nape while it was still focused on us felling the beast.

"Fuck me, that was too close!" Ymir said after we both landed on a nearby rooftop, titan blood still steaming off of her. "Thanks for the save Foxy."

"No problem, we have to have each other's backs right?" I replied gaining a nod from her.

"Hey! Are both of you okay!" A high pitched voice came from our left. We both looked and saw Christa landing next to us.

"Yeah of course, there's no way these mindless idiots could kill me." Ymir answered with a smile easing Christa's worries.

I looked over to where the other titan was and saw a steaming carcass. 'Well at least one titan went to plan.' I thought before looking to Zach who had landed across the street.

Suddenly the bells signaling the evacuation was complete rang out. "Alright! We can get out of here!" I heard Connie cheer voicing all of our thoughts.

"Not yet we need to resupply, I don't know about most of you, but I don't have enough gas to make it up the wall." Zach stated grimly making us all check our tank pressure.

'Shit I'm almost out as well!' I thought looking at my dwindling supply gauge.

"Oh man! And just when I thought it was over!" Connie cried out as his shoulders slumped.

"Let's rendezvous with any others at the supply depot in headquarters, and make a break for Wall Rose." I suggested gaining nods all around.

I looked to Ymir who was noticeably silent and saw her gazing towards Zach with wide eyes. "Ymir? Are you alright that titan didn't injure you or anything right?" I asked. She continued to stand there looking at our squad leader, not looking away for one second. She seemed to be out of it so I shook her shoulder bringing her back to reality.

"What? Oh yeah, I'm alright let's just get out of here." She responded quickly before zipping off with Christa who seemed worried as well.

I shared a look with the adorable blonde whose face was a mixture of concern and confusion, but soon shook it off chasing after her closest friend. 'Let it go Fiona, we need to get out of here.' I thought as I shot my grapples into a nearby building and started making my way to the supply depot with my squad.

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