Battle for Trost Pt. 5 Secrets

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Zach POV:

Connie and I stared down at the ocean of titans below from atop the wall. Well I'd use the term ocean, but to everyone else around me they would probably call it a crowd or mob. One of the titans ended up smiling directly at me, which sent a shiver down my spine at I thought of it getting ahold of me. It was then however that the signal of the operation starting was heard as lightning struck in the distance notifying all of a shifter transforming. 'Three transformations in one day.' I thought amazed. 'Eren really has a lot of potential.'

"It looks like the operation to retake the city has started. Do you think that Eren can really seal the gate?" Connie asked me as we heard the Attack Titan roar in the distance.

I stared toward where the lightning struck. "Time will only tell." I answered hoping that Reiner and Bertholdt wouldn't do anything stupid to capture Eren while he was making his way to the gate.

Suddenly a flare shot out in the distance revealing a red hue. 'What could have happened out there?' I thought worried until it hit me. 'Eren hasn't trained with his titan! He probably still hasn't fully gotten control over it yet.'

Jean landed on the wall in a crouch. He ran toward Me and Connie. "What the hell happened with Eren?"

"Armin's on his way there," Marco answered from a little ways away as he made his way to us. "It'll be all right I think."

"You think?" Jean said skeptical.

"I'm sure," Marco insisted. "Eren will pull through for us!"

Jean didn't look totally convinced.

"Gathering the Titans in the corner of town seems nothing but pointless to me," Connie said.

"A fight against the Titans always turns into a battle of attrition," Jean explained. "They're probably trying to keep deaths to a minimum right now."

Connie turned and took a few steps away from us. "So you're saying all the deaths up until this point are meaningless."

"An all-out war is inevitable. So it makes sense to minimize our losses and preserve our forces until that time comes," Jean explained. "This was the right call to make."

"Was it really, though?" Connie asked not entirely certain.

"I agree with Jean, we need to preserve our forces if we're to see the end of this." I explained getting a nod from Marco and Jean.

"Well, let's just try not to end up being 'losses.' All of us," Connie smiled tensely at us.


Jean, Annie, Connie, and I along with another trainee listened to a Garrison soldier carefully, while hiding in a small alley.

"You'll run along the ground, three people per team. When you reach the wall, you leap back up. Don't die out there. If somehow a Titan goes astray, we'll take it out."

"Somehow? That's a pretty likely scenario if you ask me," Jean said.

"Tell me about it." I said knowing this plan would never hold up.

"Permission to act independently in a life-threatening situation?" Annie asked.

"If it'll save your life somehow, sure." The Garrison soldier replied.

An explosion pulled their attention to the dust from the opposite side of a nearby building.

"Kirschtein Team, move out!" He yelled before sprinting out of the alley.

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