Battle for Trost Pt. 4 Uneasiness

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Jean POV:

I took a swig from my waterskin as I sat with Zach, Reiner, Bertholdt, and Annie. We were all waiting inside Wall Rose for what was inevitably going to happen next. 'The Armored Titan will show up at any moment, so why are we sitting here twiddling our thumbs?' I sighed and looked to my friend. "Hey Zach what do you make of all this?" I asked.

My blonde friend seemed lost in thought as his face looked like he was in a dilemma. I waved my hand in front of him snapping him back to his senses. "What? Sorry what did you say?" He let out surprised.

I sighed and gestured around. "I asked what you thought of the situation. Why are we just sitting here, shouldn't we be preparing for the Armored Titan?"

"Maybe they're dealing with the other thing?" He said hinting at Eren. He then looked to Reiner and called out while gesturing around with his arms. "What do you think Reiner? Isn't this situation getting out of hand?"

Weirdly Reiner seemed to frown at us before saying. "Last I checked we aren't supposed to be talking about this."

"Jean," A voice called out causing us to turn right and search for the source, which turned out to be Ymir. "Don't tell me Mikasa and Armin got hurt or something?"

"Hey, what's wrong?" Connie asked after noticing the demeanor of our group.

I took large sips from my waterskin and wiped my mouth with the sleeve of my jacket. "I can't tell you. We've been slapped with a confidentiality order."

"A confidentiality order?" Ymir parroted confused while looking between me and Zach.

"Like it or not we can't say anything, or else we risk disciplinary action."  Zach said while shrugging.

Connie looked at us confused "What the hell?"

"There's no way it's staying under wraps though." I recalled the lift ride down the Wall, finding Garrison soldiers everywhere. "The news is gonna spread across humanity like wildfire. Assuming humanity lasts long enough, anyway." I finished then taking another swig from my waterskin.

After a few moments of waiting I went to take another swig from my waterskin but was interrupted. "Hey Jean can I talk to you alone for a minute?" Zach piped up while staring intently at the table.

I raised an eyebrow and said. "Sure?" We proceeded to get up and walk a bit away until Zach looked around to make sure nobody was there and stopped.

"Jean have you ever been stuck between two decisions that could drastically change your life, but couldn't figure out which is right?" Zach said with his back turned to me.

This only confused me more as Zach always seemed to be someone with everything already figured out. "Can't say I really have. What's making you so worried?"

He turned around and sighed. "It's nothing, I guess I'm just reeling from everything that's happened today. I just don't know what the future will hold and I'm getting cold feet."

A thought occurred to me as he said that and I cracked a smile. "This is about Fiona isn't it? You're thinking of following her to the scouts to protect her aren't you." I replied instantly scoring a quick blush on his face before he turned away.

"Nononono! You've misunderstood me I didn't-" He started when out of nowhere a cannon shot reverberated throughout the area.

We both began frantically looking for the source of the noise until we saw a cloud of steam emitting from inside the wall.

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