Training Corps Pt. 1 Introductions

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A few weeks later

Zach POV:

I was awoken by the bumpy ride to the training grounds and slowly opened my eyes.

"Hey there sleepyhead." I heard a voice call out to me.

I turn to look at my fellow passengers and look at the one who called out to me. It's Jean, the boy I met while enlisting, he sat there with a mischievous grin on his face. "Hope you got enough rest because I'm going to need you to give it your all if we're going to join the MPs together."

I continue to stare at him and begin to snicker which makes him raise an eyebrow. "Yeah no, you're the one who's going to need to keep up with me."

With that he smiled and raised his hands behind his head before leaning back. "That's the spirit, start thinking like that and we'll be in the MPs in no time."

"Wow, now that's overconfidence if I've ever heard it." Another voice piped in.

Jean and I both turned our heads and saw a boy with long black hair wearing very expensive clothing. "Oh, and you think you'll do any better?" Jean retorted which irked the boy.

He smugly smirked at us "I don't think, I know I'll be better than you rabble. It won't even be a competition."

"Ignore him Jean, he's the type that tries to exert his perceived superiority on those he views as lesser. It's not worth it to stoop down to his level." I said trying to egg him on.

When I glanced at him again I could see that my comment had worked. He was glaring at me with his entire being as if I had killed his family. "Nobody disrespects the Wald family, just you wait I'll make sure your life is a living hell for the next 3 years." He said with venom in his tone.

'Ahh he must be that fat southern lord's son, Gabriel Wald if I remember correctly. His family was one of the first nobles we were able to clear of suspicion of being the royalty due to his family's utter incompetence.' I thought to myself amused as the carriage came to a stop.

"All right we're here, everybody off!" The carriage driver yelled out and we began to collect what little we had and dismount.

As I stepped off I was met with a training grounds with a few buildings which I presumed were the dorms and mess hall. 'Not as nice as Marley HQ, but it's not like I expected much, living here in the walls has really felt like being trapped in the past.' I thought as I began to survey the area more closely.

That's when I saw it, a row of pyramid beam structures with wires coming down from the center. 'That must be the training apparatus for the ODM gear.' I instantly thought. During my reconnaissance missions with Annie we had stumbled upon sets of the gear but had never understood how they were operated and never had the chance to snag any. 'If I remember Reiner and Bertholdt were able to find out that they were for combatting titans and for helping soldiers traverse the walls.'

"Hey Zach! Come on quit daydreaming, we've gotta get our uniforms and line up for our initiation!" Jean yelled out from near one of the dorms which I presume is the male dorm.

"Alright I'm coming!" I yelled back and made my way to where he was.


I stood in line with many others all dressed in similar brown jackets and white pants with belt harnesses on all over. 'God these are so itchy, I get that its for the gear but do we really need jackets that show our midriff?' I thought as I felt ridiculous.

"You are now officially members of the 104th Training Corps," The commandant shouted loudly for all to hear. "You have the misfortune of having me, Keith Shadis, as your commandant! I do not welcome you warmly! In your current state, you'd be nothing but food for the Titans! You're mere livestock! You're less than livestock!"

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