New Family Pt.1

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Zach POV:

My eyes begin to flutter open, and I feel my head pounding with pain. Quickly, I rise out of the bed I was in and frantically start looking around. I find myself in an infirmary surrounded by empty beds. Looking around reveals that it's sometime during the day, suggesting I have been here for a while.

 'What happened?' I thought to myself, placing my hand on the side of my head. Before I could think of the answer, a couple of figures walked in, and a voice that made your blood run cold could be heard as they entered.

 "My brother's safety is my top priority, as he is a Tybur before a member of the military." I heard Willy's voice fill the air as I turned my head toward the new guests that entered the room. 

"Once again, Lord Tybur, everything is under control; he only overused his abilities when we were testing them, like you've been told." Commander Magath states before noticing that I've woken up. "Ah, Zach, it's good to see that you are fine," he comments. 

"How long was I out for?" I ask, still groggy from waking up moments ago.

 "You have been in the infirmary since yesterday afternoon; it is currently Tuesday at 1 p.m." Magath answers.

 This causes me to stare up in shock, ' I was out for a whole day!? '

 "This is precisely why I disagreed with the military's decision to enlist the Warhammer." Willy gave Magath a hint of venom in his tone, but just as quickly as it came out, it disappeared. "I just care for the wellbeing of my family," Willy lied through his teeth, giving me chills down my spine.

 "Lord Tybur, I thought we had been over this already; the decision on whether or not he stays in the military cannot be reversed; he's of Eldian birth." Magath cuts in, unfazed by Willy's statement

. "That's another thing, Magath; you know that law was never supposed to be interpreted that way." Willy said exasperated.

 I became confused at Willy's latest statement, 'What law? How are they interpreting it wrong?'.

1 Week ago

Willy POV:

Huh, what's this? I shouldn't have any personal mail with these documents." I say aloud to nobody as I gaze at the mystery envelope that has graced my desk. I pick it up and use my letter opener to tear open the envelope. Inside is a single letter with military symbols near the top and bottom. I become even more confused as I start reading. 'We would like to personally thank you for enlisting to serve in the Marleyean Military. Though you are of devil blood, may you serve your motherland to repent for your sins.' 'Is this some sort of joke?' I think to myself before my heart stops as I see the name near the bottom of the page "ZACH TYBUR".

The Present

Zach POV:

"The law clearly states that if anyone of Eldian birth voluntarily enlists, the Marleyean government will automatically process their enlistment." Magath states, making my eyes go wide.

 'Is that how I was so easily accepted? A loophole in a 100-year-old law?' I think this as I look at Willy, who is subtly clenching his fists.

 "If my brother's life is threatened once more, I will not hesitate to do everything in my power to get him out of here." Willy tells Magath before sighing and continuing. "Now if you would let me, I need to talk to my brother in private." Magath relented, giving me a nod of goodbye and exiting the room.

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