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3rd person POV:

Sunshine could be seen cast through the window, illuminating the luxurious room devoid of all colors other than black and white. The door to the room carefully swung open, and a lone maid came in wearing her uniform and having her black hair in a tight bun behind her head. The maid gazed at the bed at the back of the room and sighed.

A lone boy lay sleeping peacefully under his white sheets, his blonde hair strewn across his pillow, while drool could be seen escaping the corner of his mouth and a smile etched on his face. Until he was woken up with a shake to his shoulder and his eyes fluttering, the boy gazed up to see a maid staring down at him with a quizzical look on her face.

"What has put you in such a pleasant mood?" The maid asks with a raised eyebrow.

The boy takes a second to think before replying, "I don't know, I feel like I just had the longest dream. There were good points, but just as many bad points." The boy says the last part while slowly looking downward.

The maid looked even more confused and was about to ask something when something else caught her eye. "Oh, Zach, you're crying." She said this as she raised a hand toward his face.

The boy named Zach arched his eyebrows at her words before bringing his hand up to his face. The lady then reached out and rubbed the tears away before turning herself toward the door. On her way out, she announced, "By the way, Willy and I will be waiting for you in the Dining hall for a family meeting; please be there in 15 minutes. Understood?"

Across the room, Zach sat up and replied, "Understood, Big Sis Lara." With that, the woman now known as Lara left the room, leaving a silence before shuffling could be heard as Zach started to get up.


'Ugh, I hate waking up in the morning. I hope that Willy isn't going to scold me or discipline me again,' I thought as I leapt off my bed and began to retrieve clothes for the day. I chose to wear a simple long-sleeve white shirt with a gray vest and black slacks, hoping it would be enough to placate Willy given the short time frame.

Quickly, I leave my room, descend the stairwell, and make my way through the corridors of the Tybur Manor, passing many servants who all greeted me before coming in front of the doors to the dining hall. I quickly take a few breaths while gripping the handles of the doors, then push them open.

As the doors fly open, my eyes fall upon the ornate dining hall filled with luxurious items dotting the walls. Three figures I can see are seated at the dining table, and after taking a few steps into the room, I can clearly see the faces of my Elder brother Willy Tybur as well as my Elder sister Lara Tybur, the final figure being my Father George Tybur. "Good morning, Everyone! I hope you can forgive me for being late." I say this while making my way to my seat next to Willy.

I pull my chair out and take my seat before beginning to eat my breakfast. "Zach," I hear to my left, and as I look in the direction, I'm met with my family's gaze staring back at me. "We need to talk," my father, George, finishes with a solemn look etched on his face and hesitation in his voice.

My brother Willy then continues, saying with a more serious and calm tone, "Zach, we would like to know if you would be willing to inherit the Warhammer Titan from father when his term is up next month."

"W-what?" I manage to croak out after what feels like an eternity. My thoughts started to take off: 'Why am I inheriting?' ' I'm not good enough to be a shifter, but most notably, 'They are messing with you'. " A-Are you sure it should go to me? I'm the youngest; I'm only 10 years old." I ask, trying to find out why they don't want to inherit it themselves.

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