Coderoin/Broken Promises

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Zach POV:

My eyes fluttered open as a cascade of light assaulted me, slowly rising I could see the culprit as he walked away from the now open curtains. A little agitated that my slumber was cut short I glared at my roommate before sighing. Yawning I raised my arms, stretching to fully wake up when my roommate finally noticed my presence.

"Finally you're up, and here I thought I'd have to wake you up again. I mean do you just have a problem with waking up in the morning?" He asked as he put on an undershirt.

"I'm sorry Boris, had a very late night, also I've *yawn* never been a morning person." I tiredly answered as I hopped off the top bunk.

It had already been about a month since Annie and I had joined the MPs. We had gotten word from Bertholdt pretty quickly when the scouts planned their next expedition. Now we were mostly just wasting time waiting for more responses from either Reiner or Bertholdt. Though admittedly I had been writing to Fiona and a few others as well. Understandably Fiona ignored my letters, well according to the few letters I had received from Connie and Sasha.

"Just please make sure you wake up when we actually have work to do." Boris replied as he made his way to the door.

"Hey Boris, I have a favor to ask of you." I asked causing him to sigh and turn around.

"What do you need?" He responded dryly.

"Could you report me as sick tomorrow I have a date and I really need to have the day off." I pleaded which made him raise an eyebrow.

"Seriously? A date?" He said skeptical before a smile creeped across his face. "You know what yeah I'll cover you, but today you have to fill in for me, got it."

"Deal." I answered immediately while passing by him and gathering my uniform. "Now what did you have assigned to you again? It was the Coderoin investigation correct?" I asked, gaining a nod from him.

"The one and only. The brass are too lax to investigate themselves so it was delegated to me." He said with a much happier tone now. "Well I guess now you." He added at the end as he started to remove his jacket.

"Okay, well do you have anything to go off of?" I asked as I started getting dressed myself.

"Not one thing, but you seem smart you should be able to figure something out." He said as he began to put on civilian clothing.

'Great, well it could be worse I guess. I just need to find a few leads and then I'll call it quits' I thought as I slipped on my jacket.


Fiona POV:

I currently sat in a classroom going over our long range formation for the last time before the expedition tomorrow. I sighed as squad leader Ness went over the genius once more, outright boring me to death.

'Why do we have to go over this again I'm sure we all understand our positions.' I thought before staring out the window. From inside I could make out the wind blowing through the trees in the distance. It was peaceful, but I could only be reminded of how Collin always enjoyed nature.

At the reminder of my recently departed friend my mind flashed to seeing his corpse in Zach's arms. I shook my head, trying to push away the memory and glanced down to the table only to see my hand trembling. 'Damnit Collin why did you have to die for such a useless idiot!' I thought angrily as I remembered his face.

"Hey Fiona." I heard Sasha whisper from my left, causing me to glance at my food obsessed friend, who was trying to be discreet. "Have you read any of Zach's letters? He's really worried about you, you know." She said making me frown.

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