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Two Weeks Later


My daily routine has changed drastically; no longer does my sister wake me up in the mornings with her sweet voice and concern. Instead, I'm greeted by the blonde figure of a newly appointed maid, Sandra. "Wake up, Lord Zach. Lord Willy wishes for your presence in the meeting hall at once." She blandly announced this before leaving my room right after.

 I rise from my mattress groggily, as if I hadn't just slept for a full 8 hours, and begin to freshen myself up before dressing in acceptable attire. Ever since I inherited the Warhammer, it seems my entire family has kept their distance, and given the attitudes and demeanor of all the manor staff, it seems my brother was the one who ordered it.

 I open my bedroom door and make my way toward the dining hall, with Sandra close behind. "Any new news this morning, Sandra?" I ask curious.

 "Articles say the war with the southern nation of Frelia has come to an end," she states before continuing. "It seems it was subdued by Marley's new warrior unit three days ago, and they should have returned by now," Sandra explains in her monotone voice.

 "Hmmm?" I hum in curiosity. 'It seems the new warriors are pretty interesting,' I think to myself as I approach the doors to the dining hall and turn to Sandra. "Thank you for accompanying me to my destination. You are dismissed," I state, which causes Sandra to bow before I turn back towards the door and enter.

As the doors open and I enter, I can see Willy standing in the middle of the room, smiling before greeting me. "Good morning, Zach. I'm terribly sorry for not seeing you sooner, but with father's passing, I had many affairs to get in order."

 I stare at him with a smile plastered on my face and reply. "No worries, brother; I understand." As my face relaxes, I then continue, "I also needed some time to myself, so it's ok."

 He nods at my response and says, "Zach I think you've noticed some changes that have started to happen around the manor." I nod as he continues, "This is because I have now become the head of the household and have the full backing of the Tybur estate and assets." I nod once more, now confused as to why he's explaining this to me. "This includes the manor and the staff inside, but most importantly," Willy says before stepping up to me and punching me square in the jaw, sending me tumbling into a table. "The Warhammer," he finishes as he wipes his fist with a handkerchief. 

Pain is the only thing registering in my mind, however, as I reach my hands up to my face in a pathetic attempt to dispel the pain. My hair is then pulled upward, and my bruised face comes up to meet Willy's. "I tolerated you for 10 years just for father to choose you to inherit the Warhammer to extend my suffering." Willy spat with venom. 

Tears started to form in my eyes, but as they did, Willy slammed my face into the floor and yelled. "No crying! The Warhammer doesn't cry. Crying is for the weak!" My now broken nose started to ooze blood, staining the carpet beneath.

 I groaned as I felt my face erupt in a cacophony of pain. I then felt a sharp pain in my midsection and was flung sideways, slamming into the floor with a thud. I looked to see that Willy had kicked me, and then he approached me, kicking me again and again repeatedly. Willy then turned exhausted, sat down on a nearby chair, and stared down at me in silence, waiting for my regeneration.

 As the minutes passed, steam could be heard, and the pain started fading. Willy started talking. "I hope this lets you know where you stand in this family now. Starting today, you're to stay at the manor and not venture outside." He commanded, "Also, you will no longer need to come to meals with the family. I don't want to be reminded of your filth while I eat anymore." He added the last part, and my heart sank deeper.

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