Training Corps Pt. 6 That Night

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Zach POV:

The night sky sparkled with the awe inspiring brilliance, stars twinkling in the distance just out of reach. Recently I had begun coming out here to the nearby lake to lie down and clear my head due to the accumulating stress.

It has been a little over a month ago since that training exercise and when I disposed of Gabriel Wald. I don't know what's going through my mind anymore, it's true I didn't like the guy, but killing him was never supposed to be on the table. 'God what have I become? I never thought I could be so nonchalant about killing somebody.' I thought as I witnessed a star streak across the sky.

I remembered trembling for days after killing the trench coat man in the church, but this time it was different, I planned the action it wasn't just in the heat of the moment. 'When I was leading Marley's armies I was always in my titan, so none of it felt dirty or direct. There was a dissonance between me and the enemy, but here I've had to kill with my bare hands.' I thought. Gabriel was somebody I had gotten to know for a year and I didn't even bat an eye as I slit his throat, if anything I was relieved. Then I remembered the meeting I called afterwards and covered my eyes in shame. 'There's no denying it Lara was right, I'm a monster.' I thought while wishing I could disappear.


The sound of the wind rustling the leaves filled the air as I sat down alone upon my familiar stump. Earlier I had made sure to tell the others the wrong time so I could clear my head before the inevitable shit show. Hunched over I sat there, contemplating what I would even say. 'I need to send a message or else this will become a recurring issue.' I thought as I let my head hang there.

Not too long later I heard the first sounds of arrival, looking up to the noise I saw Annie's face creep through the foliage. Our eyes met for a moment as she simply nodded before taking a seat across from me. "So, are we going to debrief them on our last infiltration?" She asked in her monotone voice to which I simply replied with silence. "Zach?" She asked, eyebrow raised in confusion, but before I could reply our other members arrived.

Without a look I pointed to the log, thankfully Reiner and Bertholdt got the message and sat down in silence.

"Okay, what's going on?" Annie asked breaking the silence as we all now sat down in a circle.

I lifted my head and opened my mouth. "Reiner." I said in a neutral tone.

He audibly gulped and lowered his head. "Yes."

"Would you like to enlighten Annie on why we're out here tonight?" I questioned him as him and Bertholdt looked like two beaten dogs.

"W-We're so-" Bertholdt choked out, but I cut him off with a well placed hardened spike near his throat.

"I asked Reiner." I let out with a glare.

"We...We...We compromised the mission." Reiner choked out after a second.

"What?" Annie asked with wide eyes knowing the implications. She then quickly shifted her gaze to me for details.

"These two couldn't keep their mouths shut and were overheard openly talking about our mission." I answered while pointing at them, causing both boys to hang their heads in shame now.

Annie then shot up from her seat with clenched fists and before anyone could do anything she socked Reiner right in the jaw. "You fucking dumbass!" She yelled as she punched him a couple more times before I finally caught up with her and pulled her back.

"Annie I understand how you feel, so please calm down." I let out calmly as she struggled to get free from me.

"Why?! Three fucking years and every damn problem has started because of him!" She screamed while elbowing my side, freeing herself.

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