Training Corps Pt.2 Balance

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Reiner POV:

I'm suddenly shocked awake by the sound of a door slamming open and the screams of our new Commandant. "Rise and shine maggots! Today we will see if any of you are worth a damn! You better be ready in 10 minutes or there will be no breakfast for you!" I internally groan as I sit up, begin to change into my new uniform, and proceed to wake up Bertholdt who was sleeping in the bunk below mine.

I look at my friend and see him contorted in his sleep blissfully unaware of the commandants announcement. "Wake up Bert, wouldn't want you to end up like Zach." I say which gains a half awake grumble from my friend. Everyone around us begins to slowly rise from their slumber, and begin getting ready for our first day of real training. Well everyone except one blonde boy who was still sleeping peacefully.

"Should we wake Chuckle boy?" One of the cadets from across the room asked nobody in particular.

"Leave him it's his fault for getting on the Commandant's bad side." Another answered while snickering, which seemed to be the consensus of most of the recruits in the barracks.

I sighed and began walking toward Zach's bunk to wake him. 'You were the one who suggested we split up to not arouse suspicion, if one of us ends up compromised in the future the least you could do is be able to function by yourself.' I internally grumbled, but before I could make it halfway another beat me to it.

"Hey sleepyhead, wake up." Said the boy who got head butted by the commandant yesterday, Jean Kirstein if I'm not mistaken. Zach's eyes fluttered open as he raised out of bed stretching and yawning. "You've gotta work on being a morning person, because I'm not your mother." Jean said to the freshly awoken boy.

For a split second I could see sadness gloss over Zach's face before his mask reappeared as if nothing had happened. "Sorry Jean, I didn't mean to bother you." He said while slowly getting out of his bunk.

"Well then start by being able to wake up by yourself and we'll go from there." Jean said before turning around and exiting the barracks.

'How did they get acquainted? And why was Zach sad at the mention of his mother?' I thought as Bertholdt finally had his uniform ready and we walked out of the barracks for breakfast. "So did you get any sleep last night?" I asked my longtime friend.

"Hardly, everyone here is a victim of the attack 2 years ago, it just brings back bad memories." Bertholdt replied with sadness in his tone.

"Well I'm here if you need any help, we've got to stick together if we're going to get through these next 3 years." I reassured him while patting him on the back which seemed to put him at ease as we entered the mess hall and had our breakfast.

Zach POV:

After breakfast we all congregated around the weird pyramid contraptions that I spotted when we first arrived. "We'll begin by determining your aptitude!" Shadis began. "If you can't do this, you're not even fit to be bait! You'll be sent off to the fields!"

Quickly everyone got into lines in front of the structures to test their aptitude. I glanced around to the right side lines and saw across the training field, trainees hovered, balancing using the wires. My attention easily being glued to Sasha, Jean, and the shorter boy who was named Connie all balancing with differing levels of success.

To the left were more people some failing and being ushered off while a few standouts grinned gleefully. My attention was caught by that jackass Gabriel Wald balancing with ease as he grinned. While the redhead who argued with me a few structures down the line was trembling like a newborn deer while being lifted up. 'It can't be too hard if she's balancing while shaking like that.' I thought as my line progressed forward.

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