Battle for Trost Pt. 3 Rogue Revealed

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Armin POV:

"B-But the place is swarming with Titans! You can't possibly carry someone while jumping!" I yelled out while Connie and Mikasa ignored me.

"Let's go!" Connie grabbed my hand.

'No... Please don't...' I watched them run ahead pulling me. 'I'll only...I'll only get more of my friends killed!' I thought as I glanced behind us and saw a stationary Zach intently gazing at the roaring Rogue Titan. Then an idea burst forward. "Wait!" I screamed as I snatched my arm back. "Listen, I have a suggestion!"

"Armin?" Zach said in confusion as he turned around.

"A suggestion?" Connie asked surprised as he turned around.

"Only you three can do it." I said looking to the three of them. "So I leave the choice to you. I know it sounds crazy, but could we use that Titan to our advantage?" I proposed gaining mixed reactions from all three.

"That Titan?" Connie said looking dubiously between the Rogue and me.

"It attacks other Titans and doesn't show any interest in us. So I'm wondering if we could lead it to the supply building. If it takes out the other Titans for us, we just might all survive!" I explained.

"That... might actually be a good idea." Zach muttered under his breath before focusing back on the Rogue.

"Lead it?" Connie gaped now shifting his gaze between Zach and I. "You know you both sound crazy right?"

"My guess is it's fighting on instinct. If you three take out the Titans around it, it'll go and look for other Titans. That'll naturally lead it toward Headquarters." I explained further.

"So we should risk our necks for some hopeful guess?" Connie demanded obviously not convinced.

"But if it works, we could eliminate all the Titans attacking HQ in one fell swoop!" I argued back knowing it could be our last chance.

"It seems worth trying," Mikasa finally put in.

"Are you serious?" Connie turned to her then to Zach. "You're all really considering this?"

"What choice do we have? All those titans outside the HQ will swarm us if we just dive in." Zach answered.

"It's better to take a gamble than wait for our inevitable deaths." I retorted.

"Let's go with Armin's suggestion," Mikasa said.

"You want us to fight Titans with a Titan?" Connie asked shocked at the turn of events.

"Yes, exactly." I answered, nodding.

Connie then smiled nervously. "If we fail, we'll be laughingstocks."

"But if we succeed, everyone survives." I stated while smiling.

"It all comes down to resolve." Mikasa said before running off.

"Alright! Fine!" Connie said before he chased after her.

"Get on my back Armin, I'll carry you while they deal with the titans." Zach commanded as he approached me.

I nodded and got on his back and we zipped off after the Rogue. 'I sure hope I'm right.' I thought as I watched Mikasa cut the nape of the first titan in the Rogue's way.

Zach POV:

We flew by the Attack Titan as it finished off a smaller 6-meter titan by stomping violently on it till it was paste. 'Damn! Whoever is in there has a real vendetta against the titans.' I thought as Connie and Mikasa struck two more titans clearing the path.

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