57th Expedition Pt. 4 The Defeated

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Erwin POV:

I sat in front of the Pale Titan or should I say Warhammer Titan as it had referred to itself. This titan was a true enigma. Even though it had threatened us, it still exercised restraint unlike the other three intelligent titans we had encountered before.

Far off we could hear the sounds of battle and both of us were aware that the outcome would decide both of our next actions. Suddenly a feminine scream erupted from the direction of the battle, startling many of the scouts surrounding us.

"Well, that's too bad." The Warhammer Titan let out with a sigh as he began to stand up.

I could hear the cries of the scouts around us immediately calling for my retreat.



"Retreat Commander!"

"Get out of there!"

"Watch out for that sword!"

The Warhammer Titan however simply turned around and started walking off. "This was fun Commander Erwin, but it seems both of us lost today's battle." The Warhammer descended farther into the tree line before continuing. "I hope to chat with you again someday, under better circumstances." It said as it waved goodbye and set off into the forest.

I sat there contemplating our conversation as Hange and Miche both landed on opposite sides of me.

"Erwin! That was reckless and you know it!" Hange accused me with a finger to the chest. "So why didn't you let me! A talking titan and I didn't even get to ask its favorite meal!" She then confessed while gripping her head.

Miche sighed and then spoke up. "This expedition is over, we need to regroup and retreat back to Calaneth District."

"Agreed." I answered Miche while ignoring Hange's outburst. "All troops get ready for a retreat!" I yelled out to all around before loading a blue smoke round into my flare gun and firing it off.

Fiona POV:

The multiple lightning strikes coupled with the roars of titans had given me a clue on what was happening inside the forest. Hell anyone who had witnessed Eren transform in Trost would know. I then looked over to Armin who still had a look of deep thought on his face. "Do you think Eren is okay?" I asked him. Armin though didn't seem hear me as he hadn't reacted to my question.

"That suicidal bastard better be okay, or else I'll have to knock some sense into him." Jean answered as we all waited.

Suddenly the sound of a titan screaming erupted from inside the forest, soon followed by a flare being fired causing everyone to look around for the sources. Funnily enough the same black haired Beastkin soldier who complained earlier spotted it first and shouted for all to hear.

"Finally this bullshit is over! It's the signal to retreat!" He yelled out sending waves of relief throughout the edge of the forest. Though those thoughts were then quickly turned into confusion as all of the titans under us began to stroll right into the forest.

"What the hell?" Jean let out as the titans began to run in the direction of the scream from earlier.

"Ignore them! We'll reconvene with the command squad!" Our commanding officer ordered making everyone once again fill with relief.

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