Battle for Trost Pt.1 Breach

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Eren POV:

"Why are you just standing there, Eren?" Samuel asked. "We'll get found out if we don't get back to work! Lunch isn't for a while!"

'Five years have passed since then.' I thought as I looked out at the city. 'Humanity is finally regaining its dignity. We can win!' I clenched my fist. 'Humanity's counterattack is just beginning!'

Suddenly the sound of lightning boomed from behind me just outside the gate, and just like that the mammoth face of the Colossal Titan appeared bearing down on all of us.

"You idiots." I heard someone to my left mutter right before we all got blown back by the sudden appearance of the Colossal Titan.

"Oww! Hot!" I screamed out as I quickly worked my ODM gear to grapple the wall. "Wh-What the?!" I choked out as I finally registered what was happening.

"Samuel!" Connie yelled, causing my attention to switch to our now unconscious comrade falling.

"Sasha!" I then heard Mina call out.

My gaze turned to Sasha who ran down the Wall with reckless abandon, she then shot one hook in the Wall, and shot the other hook in Samuel's calf, stopping him from plummeting to his death. "Try not to move, understand!" She yelled out trying to reassure him.

"That was too damn close!" I said before I then saw it, the gate was smashed in leaving a giant whole in its place.

"Oh god no, not again." Thomas said as he noticed the breach as well.

"They're gonna get in! They're gonna get in! THEY'RE GONNA GET IN!" Connie screamed as he panicked.

My mother's death and the promise I made filled my mind. 'I'm going to kill every last one!' I thought as I tightened my grip on my blades. '' My thoughts finished as I snapped out of my daze. "This is it people! Do or die!" I screamed gaining all of my comrade's attention as I readied my blades. "Mounted Cannon Maintenance Squad 4! Take out the Colossal Titan!" I used my gear to then swing up the wall. "This is our chance! Don't let it slip away!" I then landed in a crouch and stared at the Colossal Titan. "Hey, there. It's been awhile." I said while staring the enemy of humanity down.

The Colossal Titan began to move and swung his massive right arm to scrape the top part of the Wall. I quickly jumped out of the way as he sent the rails and cannons flying. 'He went for the cannons!' I thought as the monster glanced in my direction. 'He didn't take out the gate by accident then, either! He has intelligence!' The Colossal Titan then fully turned toward me.

The 60-meter monster reached out for me and I managed to evade its grasp. 'Too slow. Still, this is the perfect chance!' I thought as I swung around and landed on the large arm. 'He's the only one who can destroy the Wall! If I can just take him out!' I thought as I began sprinting up its arm.

The Colossal Titan shifted its weight, this caused me to lose my balance momentarily, but with a quick maneuver, I was able to go for the nape. "Got you!" I screamed out as I dove in for the kill. Suddenly a massive cloud of steam burst out before I could slice the skin, propelling me back. "It burns!" I screamed out as the scalding mist began to envelop me.

I held on however and with a battle cry I pushed forward, swinging my blades. They cut through steam swiftly, revealing nothing. 'I missed?' I thought in disbelief as I began to fall and shot a hook into the Wall. 'No, the Colossal Titan disappeared!'

"Eren!" Thomas appeared above me. "Did you get him?"

"No! It's just like five years ago! He was here one second and gone the next!" I yelled out as I looked down to see the footprints left behind by the monster.

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