Training Corps Pt. 3 Discord

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Zach POV:

I waited in anticipation as everyone around me fell asleep one by one. 'Why is Reiner calling a meeting this early, we've only started our training.' I thought as I finally heard the squeak of someone walking on the floorboards. A few minutes later I could hear someone else stand up and vacate the dorm signaling that it was my turn now.

I carefully maneuvered my way out of bed and snuck across the dorm and out the door trying my hardest not to alert anyone. When I reached the outside I could see a few figures in the distance at our meeting location and made my way towards them. As I approached I could hear faint voices arguing and instantly knew someone wasn't in a good mood.

"I'm just saying we should keep an eye on him." I heard Reiner finish before noticing my presence. "Oh, Zach there you are."

"Keep an eye on who?" I ask curiously which Bertholdt flinches at. 'That's weird?' I think noting Bertholdt's reaction. I look back to Reiner and as he begins to speak, but is unexpectedly cut off by Annie.

"He thinks you're not fit to lead anymore." Annie bluntly states making me look to Reiner in confusion.

"Seriously? You're really doing this now." I ask completely taken off guard.

Reiner sighs and stares me straight in the eyes. "You're growing too attached to these devils, so I don't think you're fit to continue being our leader." He starts before unfolding his arms to his sides. "In addition, yesterday was our first day here and you've already gained the attention of everybody, put yourself in mine and Bertholdt's shoes." He then sits down on the log behind him and continues. "We've been here for 2 years and have almost nothing to show for it, every time you and Annie go into the interior you both come back with nothing, and it's obvious that we need to try something else."

Irritation builds within me with every word that comes from his mouth. "We just joined the cadets. We are trying something else, is that not enough." I say with clear disapproval which makes him go to open his mouth, but I cut him off and ask. "Have you even tried to gather any information since we got here?"

Reiner seems taken aback at my response. "What information is there to gather here other than how to use the ODM gear?" He asks confused at my question.

I look to Bertholdt who just shakes his head "How about the fact that I've already made contact with the Krista girl the church is monitoring." This seems to surprise both boys and gain a smirk from Annie. "Also there seems to be a girl that is named Ymir, who by the way." I looked to Annie "Is the same girl who robbed me a month ago in Stohess." Annie looks on with intrigue as my comment sunk in.

"Wait, if she was prowling Stohess, then why is she in the Southern Training Corps, wouldn't she be in the East?" She asks which leaves us all silent.

"She also seems to be gravitating toward Krista a little too much. As if she knows that something about her is important." I added which cements our suspicion of the brunette.

"Now tell me what have you've done since arriving here other than watch me?" I ask Reiner who hanged his head in shame. "That's what I thought, now are we done here or is there anything else anyone wants to bring up?" I ask all three of my fellow warriors.

"Will we continue investigating the interior while we are here?" Annie questioned making me think.

"Hmm maybe after a few months, our current goal requires us to act like model soldiers if we're going to join the MP." This earned a nod from her and she stood up before stretching.

"Well I'm going back to bed. I've had enough of all of you for tonight." She said as she waved and disappeared into the darkness.

I looked to Reiner and Bertholdt who only looked downward not wanting to look me in the eye. "I hope that cleared up any doubts you two have about who should lead here." I said before turning my back and beginning to walk away.

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