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1 Year 11 months Later

Zach Pov:

It was a beautiful evening as the sun began to set beyond the territory of the walls but its light still shone across the buildings. The streets were bustling in the Eastern district of Stohess, people bartering for goods and food while others were heading home for the day exhausted from work.

Currently I'm staring up to the Maroon sky as I wait in an alleyway for my partner, that is until I hear a commotion to my left with hurried footsteps and panting. I turn to look but I'm abruptly ran into by a small hooded figure who quickly says one word "Run!".

Not knowing what is going on I follow the hooded figure who seems to weave through the alleys as if they have used them to escape time and time again. I glance back for a second and catch a glimpse of a military uniform with a green unicorn chasing after us.

"GET BACK HERE YOU THIEVES!" The soldier yells out immediately clueing me into the situation I've found myself in. 'Shit! What have I gotten myself into?' I internally cursed as I followed quickly behind.

The thief in question took a sharp turn into a narrow passage which I fervently follow to escape my current predicament. Seconds later the soldier runs past along with a squad of similarly dressed men and women, but before I could turn to ask my new acquaintance what they were being chased about they pulled a knife out and press it to my throat.

"Thanks for not ratting me out, now give me your valuables or else my hand might slip." They say into my ear before reaching out their other hand out gesturing for what they had just demanded.

I let out an exasperated sigh and immediately elbow them to the stomach causing the thief to double over releasing their grip on me. I immediately turn around to get a good look at my now assailant who seems to be a female brunette with freckles around my age. "You really should pick your battles better, I'm honestly one of the worst people you could have chosen to rob." I let out with a heavy sigh and crossed my arms.

She glared at me as if she was a cornered animal, making sure I knew how much she didn't appreciate the new bruise that blow would definitely give her.

"Not gonna talk? You seemed pretty keen on taking my things a second ago." I said which seemed to piss her off more.

"Now why should I talk to some rich noble brat who's obviously loaded." She spat back with venom in her tone.

I smiled at her comment. 'Well this takes me back' I thought remembering the mornings where Annie would berate and belittle me a couple years ago.

"You know what I'm in a good mood. You should get going before the Military Police find you." I say as I turn around to exit the narrow passage the way I came in.

"Wait you aren't going to turn me in?" She piped up astonished at my reaction to almost being mugged.

I just continued walking ignoring her comment leaving her there and entering the alley the MPs ran by in. Immediately I heard shouts to my left and saw a couple of soldiers approaching me.

"Hey you there have you seen a hooded figure run through here? They just robbed a food stall and made off with all their coins." A male soldier said as he got to me.

I thought for a second making sure to take my time before pointing in the opposite direction the soldiers came from. "I saw someone sprinting in that direction in a hurry."

Both soldiers nodded and started off in the direction I pointed and were gone in seconds leaving me alone in the alley again. Before I could leave though I heard the girl from earlier get back on her feet and speak up. "Why?"

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