57th Expedition Pt. 3 Close Encounters

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Eren POV:

Terror filled me as the new titan actually spoke. "Now, this is a pain." It boomed out as another bright light seemed to shine from its hand. Out of nowhere a giant sword manifested from seemingly nothing in its hand, steam rising from the weapon as the titan turned around to face the Female.

"Eren! Eyes forward!" Petra screamed from my right.

"Faster! We need to get some distance!" Eld ordered, snapping me back to my senses.

"What the hell is happening?!" I yelled wanting any explanation.

"Don't know, don't care! All we need to worry about is you!" Oluo answered as we pushed forward.

Erwin POV:

Standing in front of us was a situation we had never anticipated. The first part of the plan had gone off without a hitch, Levi squad successfully lured our tail into the trap. 'However, there being more than one enemy, especially this pale titan.' I thought as I gazed down at said titan who seemed to stretch. 'Was not even humored.' I finished with narrowed eyes as the titan then startled everyone.

"Now, this is a pain." It let out with disappointment. Then as if by magic a giant sword was conjured from its right hand and the new titan turned around to face its accomplice.

"Erwin, What now?" I heard Levi inquire as he landed next to me. Undeterred I continued observing this new variable with interest as he lifted his new weapon.

"Return to your squad, this battle has just begun." I ordered, still looking at our new guest as it brought the sword down on the cables holding its friend. I then heard Levi take off in Eren's direction with haste as my mind was flooded with the implications of more titans just like Eren. 'How many are out there? What is their goal? Where have they been hiding?' My mind raced as the new titan freed the Female Titan.

"Focus on the quarry, I'll deal with them." It said in its booming voice gaining a nod from the Female Titan before she set off, sprinting in Eren's direction.

'So the Female Titan listens to it. Could it be the leader?' I thought with narrowed eyes as the pale titan focused his gaze to all of us.

Once the Female Titan was out of sight the pale titan seemed to sigh before seemingly dematerializing the sword in its hand and taking a seat. "Nobody leaves this area without my permission." It let out in a commanding manner.

With that Hange rappelled up to me with a smile plastered on her face and began frantically speaking. "Erwin! Did you hear it! A talking titan, just like Ilse's journal! This is amazing!" Hange's excitement was understandable given her history, but the situation was still too serious for it.

"Calm yourself Hange, we can speak of that later. Right now we need to focus on the situation at hand." I replied causing her to mope for a second before returning to her analytical side.

"In any case," she said with narrowed eyes while gazing down at our stationary adversary. "This is bad, given that sword from earlier I'd guess that its skin is similar to the Armored Titan that broke through Wall Maria. Meaning our new invention won't be able to capture it, let alone scratch it."

I hummed as I monitored the unmoving pale titan with intrigue. "Hange," I said gaining the attention of our resident titan researcher. "if anything happens to me, you'll take over as Commander of the Scouts." With that I rappelled down to a lower branch in front of the enemy ignoring the shouts of those around me as I did.

"Oh?" The titan let out in what I'd assume is curiosity as I landed.

"You said that nobody could leave without your permission! Does this mean you're open to discussion?" I asked the monstrosity in front of me.

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