57th Expedition Pt. 1 The Female Titan

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Fiona POV:

The sounds of birds chirping woke me as the sun crested the top of the wall. Lifting myself up I stretched as I listened to their song and smiled. 'Today is the day! I take my first steps outside the walls as a true member of the scouts.' I thought as I slapped my cheeks is anticipation. At that moment though a knock could be heard at the door.

"Fiona." A timid voice came through, as another, more serious knock could be heard.

"Oi wake up Foxy it's morning!" A second voice cut in clueing me in on who had come to wake me.

"Coming!" I called out as I got up and began getting ready for my very first expedition.


We lined up in the streets of Calaneth District, awaiting the opening of the gate. Everyone was nervous, but the cheers of the crowds lining the streets helped calm our nerves a bit. I took a deep breath as I tried to calm myself and looked down to my necklace.

'I promise I'll survive this you guys, I'll free everyone in the walls just like I dreamed.' I thought before I felt a hand grab my shoulder.

"Hey are you okay? I've been calling out to you." Said Sasha as she had a look of concern.

"Sorry I guess my nerves are just getting to me." I replied earning a nod from our resident food maniac.

"You're in the right wing right?" She asked causing me to nod hesitantly. "Stay safe out there, I'm in the left so please be careful."

I was going to say something else, but right as I opened my mouth the bells started to ring out signaling that the gate would open momentarily.

From the front I could hear the booming voice of a veteran captain as he lifted his sword in the air. "It's time! Humanity will take another step forward. Show us what you're made of!"

The rest of the soldiers of the Survey Corps held up their swords, letting out a loud battle cry.

"Open the gate!" A soldier yelled out alerting the Garrison to lift the giant gate ahead of us.

"Forward!" The Commander ordered, his horse racing on. "The 57th Recon Mission has officially begun, Scouts move out!"

We all raced forward out of the safety of the walls filling through the narrow passage and spreading out into our formation. Quickly we were immediately confronted with an abnormal titan that was stalking the nearby buildings outside the wall.

To my left Sasha freaked out instantly but had her head twisted forward by a veteran who reminded her to focus. "Stay strong! Leave it to the support team, and keep going!"

I breathed a sigh of relief when I noticed the support squad dispatched the titan without much effort. I then looked back to Sasha and called out. "Stay safe out there! Alright!" She gave a shaky smile and nodded before branching off to the left wing taking her position.

I then veered off to the right to take my position as well. 'Okay, row 3-4 if I'm right I should be nearby Jean.' I thought as my horse galloped across the mostly barren landscape.

I looked back to the wall as its retreating form made the danger finally sink in. 'We can do this, with Eren we can do this.' I thought as I tried steeling my nerves.


What felt like hours, but was most likely only a few minutes went by as I continued riding through the empty landscape. The occasional tree passing by as I lead my horse. That's when suddenly my ears perked up as I heard the sound of a flare being fired. Immediately after I could see and hear a few more signal flares fire from my 2 o'clock followed by many more echoing the signal.

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