Training Corps Pt. 7 Calm Before the Storm

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Shadis POV:

3 years had finally come and gone, only about half of the class remained due to dropouts, death and one mysterious disappearance. Though what was left was a sight to behold.

Rain came down heavily, soaking everything beneath it. On top of my horse I galloped after the trainees. "Too slow! Pick up the pace! Run, you lead-footed laggards!" I screamed at them.

The trainees ran, carrying large packs. I looked behind to see one trainee falling behind and slowed down to match them, revealing Armin Arlert. "What's your problem, Arlert?! You're dragging your feet! Too heavy for you? Maybe you'd prefer I let you drop your gear? If this were a real mission, you'd be Titan food by now!" I screamed before galloping ahead.

After a few moments I stared back to see if he made any progress and saw Reiner Braun grab Arlert's pack, While Fiona Corsac comforted him.

'Reiner Braun.' I thought silently while observing him. 'He has both a robust physique and mental strength. In addition his comrades also have great trust in him.'

'Fiona Corsac, while she doesn't get along with many others due to her headstrong attitude. She shows that anyone can persevere if they commit themselves.'

Arlert seemed to catch a second wind and ripped his pack off Braun's back racing forward leaving both Braun and Corsac behind.

'Armin Arlert, although lacking in physical strength, his aptitude in the classroom is extraordinary.' I noted before racing toward the finish line

Later on the trainees were sent into a sprawling forest to test their ODM proficiency and titan slaying capability. Ahead, a Titan dummy was raised. Jean Kirstein, Bertholdt Hoover, and Annie Leonhart all sliced through the nape of the dummy.

'Annie Leonhart, her slice attacks are absolutely flawless, but her reclusive tendencies make her a poor fit for coordinated efforts.' I began jotting down on my clipboard.

'Bertolt Hoover, he possesses remarkable potential, but lacks assertiveness.' I continued noting.

'Jean Kirschtein, top-class 3D mobility. But his volatile personality tends to cause friction with others.' I wrote down before continuing on to the next set of titan dummies.

Kirstein was one step ahead and was about to gain another kill before he was cut off by two others.

"Thanks for the help, Jean!" Connie Springer yelled out while passing him by. "Great idea Zach following Jean was a great idea!" Connie praised his teammate, but before they could claim the first strike another beat them to it. One look and I could see it was Potato girl.

'Sasha Braus, she has unconventionally good intuition but also demonstrates poor teamwork as a result.' I noted before moving to my next two students.

'Connie Springer, he excels at executing quick turns, but is also a bit dim-witted.'

'Zach Galliard, while lax with military etiquette, his reliability and altruism have cemented him among his classes' most trusted in a crisis.'

"Here they come," I could hear one of the helpers shout in the distance. Making the other helper pull the lever, setting up two Titan dummies.

A blur quickly zipped by, cutting both deeply. Followed by an anger fueled boy who cut both dummies as well, if not a bit shallower.

'Mikasa Ackerman.' I deduced who the blur was given who followed. 'Completely proficient in every area. It's apt to say she's an unmatched, unprecedented genius.'

'Eren Yeager.' I finally noted as my gaze fell on the boy. 'He has no real specialties, but he's improved his grades with his unparalleled effort. And he possesses twice the sense of purpose than anyone else.'

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