Chapter 3

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Zhao Haoyang subconsciously thought that his daughter was afraid of strangers, and he was only puzzled for a moment.

He opened his arms, and while waiting for Zhao Suisui to come over, he smiled and said, "Suisui, don't you know your father?"

Seeing this, Zhao Suisui hid behind Feng He again, looking at him vigilantly.

She doesn't want her father to hug her badly!

Zhao Jingcheng, who was standing by Zhao Haoyang's side, saw his sister like this, ran to her side, took her little hand, and explained: "Sister, this is our father, don't you remember?" Zhao

Suisui Hearing him say that made me almost pissed off.

Feng He also felt a little strange seeing her daughter's hostility towards her husband.

She knelt down and gently pinched Zhao Suisui's small face, and said with a smile: "Didn't Suisui always say that she missed her father at home before? Why didn't she talk when she saw her father?"

Zhao Suisui pursed her small mouth tightly. not talking.

Seeing that she was unwilling to speak, Feng He didn't force her.

She picked up Suisui and said to Zhao Haoyang: "Forget it, let's go first, the two children are tired after sitting on the train for so long." "All right." Zhao Haoyang sighed regretfully.

As soon as he lifted the luggage, he picked up Zhao Jingcheng with the other hand, and the couple walked out of the station together with the flow of people.

Along the way, Zhao Haoyang frequently looked at Zhao Suisui who was in Feng He's arms.

He felt a little wronged, alas, his daughter didn't even kiss him anymore! It must be that he spends too little time with her, Zhao Haoyang reflected deeply in his heart.

But it doesn't matter, now that his wife and children are here with the army, he can spend more time with them!

Zhao Haoyang came here in a car from the army, and the green off-road vehicle of the Dongfang Red Army parked on the side of the road was very conspicuous.

As soon as the family of four came out, they attracted the attention of many people.

There are no big tricks in the style and color of clothes in this era.

Zhao Haoyang's military uniform naturally attracted attention, and Feng He's mother and son were not to be outdone.

Feng He has a beautiful appearance, a gentle temperament, and a bookish air all over her body. She obviously wears the same white shirt and black trousers as everyone else, but she looks a little different when she wears them.

The two children next to her are even more beautiful, the little boy is handsome and handsome, and the little girl is exquisite and beautiful. People can't help but sigh that they are such a beautiful family.

The Songnan troops were stationed in the mountains on the outskirts, and it was some distance to drive there.

Along the way, the urban buildings of Songnan City were gradually replaced by mountains, and there were no houses to be seen anymore.

Zhao Suisui was sitting in Feng He's arms, looking at the scenery passing by outside the car window, she nervously tugged at the corner of her clothes.

After driving for about an hour, I finally vaguely saw the gate of the army ahead.

Zhao Haoyang's car stopped at the gate of the army.

The entry and exit of troops is strictly controlled, and family members accompanying the army must register when they first arrive.

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