Chapter 63

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The days after moving to a new home are not much different from living in school, except for getting up early every morning.

But fortunately, Zhao Jingcheng and Lu Zhou both have bicycles, and Zhao Suisui goes to the back of their cars every day!

The lives of Zhao Suisui and the others have not changed.

Zhao Haoyang and Lu Rong became the lonely "old men" in the army.

Lu Rong is fine, anyway, before Lu Zhou was in school six days a week, it's no different now that he lives in another place.

Zhao Haoyang is different. In the past, his two children were absent, and now his wife is gone. It can be said that it is very miserable...

Spring comes and summer goes, and time soon came to 1977.

When Zhao Suisui was in the second year of junior high school, an explosive news came-the college entrance examination resumed.

In fact, rumors had spread faintly a few months ago.

But at that time, many people still didn't believe it, because the college entrance examination was resumed a few years ago, but it was announced that all the results were invalid after the exam...

until the news of the college entrance examination resumption really appeared in the newspapers, It was only later that everyone discovered that this turned out to be true.

The newspaper clearly stated: All workers, farmers, educated youths who have gone to the mountains and countryside and returned to the city, demobilized soldiers and fresh graduates are eligible to apply for the exam. Candidates must have graduated from high school or have an equivalent cultural level. The enrollment method is voluntary registration and unified examination.

①This directly breaks the previous component-only theory, and there is no need to rely on recommendation. As long as you meet the requirements, you can sign up for the college entrance examination, and finally select the best for admission, so the whole society is crazy.

The exam is just two months away, and there are people everywhere asking for review materials.

Zhao Suisui has already reminded Feng Qiqing about the college entrance examination, so his review materials have been prepared long ago, and he hasn't lost any knowledge over the years.

As soon as he saw the newspaper, Zhao Suisui wrote another letter to Feng Qiqing.

In the letter, Zhao Suisui encouraged Feng Qiqing to study hard in the past two months and try to get into a good university. She will not write letters to disturb him in the past two months.

Feng Qiqing was not nervous at all.

In fact, Feng Qiqing had received news from Beijing a few months ago, and when he heard that the college entrance examination was finally about to resume, he was surprisingly calm.

It may be because Zhao Suisui has been nagging him for the past few years, and he is almost immune.

However, when he received Zhao Suisui's letter, he still couldn't help laughing

. Feng Qiqing was not short of reviewing materials, and even he had a lot to spare.

Feng Qiqing didn't hide his secrets, and shared all these materials, which made the educated youths in the same educated youth place feel grateful.

For a while, people who were going to take the college entrance examination were all immersed in their studies, racing against time to review.

At the same time, all the schools began to revive.

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