Chapter 30

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This was originally a child's nonsense, and the investigation results of course showed that it was an oolong.

But Lin Juan was not feeling well during the investigation.

Although the little soldier who was assigned to the investigation task was young, he was serious and asked Lin Juan many questions with a serious face.

When asked why she gave food to other children, Lin Juan's expression froze for a moment.

She stumbled and replied: "I just happened to have something to eat, so I just gave it to them."

After hearing this, the little soldier's face became even more strange, and he couldn't help but said: "Then you are quite willing to eat." Huh?"

The fine grains and white sugar that Lin Juan used to make cakes, if they were replaced with coarse grains, would be enough for their family's rations for ten days and half a month.

Everyone's life is hard these days, but there are not a few Xiang Linjuan who are so generous and often make pastries.

Lin Juan moved her lips and stopped talking.

In fact, she is also very bitter in her heart. Making these pastries has already spent most of her money and food stamps, but there is no result.

Now she is being investigated by the army, and I don't know if the army will have any opinions on her?

While Lin Juan regretted it, she also felt that it was not going well after she came to the family home. She was obviously reborn, so why can't she handle these things.

After the little soldier investigated Lin Juan's side, he went to find those children who were crying and shouting poisonous. After finally figuring out what was going on, the corners of his mouth couldn't help twitching.

However, he still truthfully wrote the results of the investigation into a written report and submitted it.

In the evening, the radio broadcast of the family courtyard announced the incident.

Praise that deserves praise, criticism that deserves criticism. Lin Juan has also made a name for herself in the family courtyard.

Although it is an innocent victim, I don't know what the other people in the family courtyard think.

Zhao Suisui also heard the radio at home, and after hearing that story, she couldn't help shrinking her neck.

As the "culprit" of this incident, Zhao Suisui thought, she obviously only told Wang Yue, but she didn't expect to spread the word so much that all the children in the family courtyard knew about it.

Then the frightened children suddenly met Lin Juan who asked them to eat for no reason, and immediately confronted her with the hateful Japanese soldiers. Child...

But Zhao Suisui was very happy to see Lin Juan deflated, and proudly puffed out her small breasts.

After all, Lin Juan didn't seem to have encountered these things in memory! She was going well in the family courtyard at that time, and many children liked her very much.

In this life, things seem to have begun to change!

And Lin Juan has also been quiet because of this incident. Zhao Suisui hasn't seen her much in the family home these days, and feels that life is better again.

But this beauty didn't last long.

That evening, Zhao Suisui volunteered to help Feng He go downstairs to collect clothes.

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