Chapter 32

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Because Lin Juan was so dizzy, everyone in the family home knew about the sacrifice of Lin Juan's husband, Zhang Weiguo, and felt sympathy for her the next day.

Zhang Taohua is devoted to Lin Juan and wants to help her stay.

Zhao Suisui bumped into her talking to other aunts several times.

"You really don't know, sister Lin Juan's in-laws are nothing!"

"Didn't you tell me that you like the dishes made by sister Lin Juan before? If she leaves, you won't be able to eat them in the future! "

"Let's go, let's go find Sister Liu and ask her to help sister Lin Juan stay!" "..."

After Zhao Suisui saw it, he hesitated to speak.

Of course she didn't want Lin Juan to stay, but she couldn't help but think of seeing the scar on Zhang Panpan's hand that night.

What if what Lin Juan said is true? What if Zhang Panpan will become as miserable as Lin Juan said after returning home?

Can't go to school, have to do hard and tiring work at home.

Zhao Suisui was very conflicted.

Obviously my ending in the book is also miserable, but seeing Zhang Panpan's miserable appearance, I still can't help but feel that she is so pitiful... Forget it, anyway,

this life is different from the previous life in many ways up!

It's not certain whether Lin Juan will stay or not!

What's more, she overheard her mother and Aunt Liu saying that this matter is not something they can decide, and they have to wait for the leaders above to make a decision.

Aunt Liu can't even decide, let alone a child who is less than five years old!

Zhao Suisui decided that she should wait and see what happens!

Because of this incident, the family courtyard was full of gloom, only the children were running around and playing carefree.

Zhang Panpan didn't come to school these two days, and stayed with Lin Juan at home.

Finally, on the morning of the third day, Lu Rong and Zhao Haoyang returned to the army.

The bumpy road made their faces very tired. Zhao Haoyang only had time to go home and tidy up a bit, and then went to the army command center to report the situation non-stop.

Zhao Suisui only found out that Zhao Haoyang was back after returning home from school.

But seeing no one in the house, she couldn't help asking curiously: "Mom, is Dad back?"

She wasn't worried about my stinky dad!

"Well, I'm back, he's gone out now, let's eat first." Feng He replied, serving them a bowl of rice each.

After serving, she looked at Lu Zhou again with a smile and said, "Zhou Zhou, your father is back too."

Lu Zhou paused while holding the chopsticks, and responded in a low voice. Hera: "Wow! You are finally going back to your own home!" Zhao Jingcheng laughed exaggeratedly, "I finally don't have to sleep with you in the same bed!"

Lu Zhou raised his head and gave Zhao Jingcheng a vicious look. Not afraid at all and made a grimace.

"Cheng Cheng, stop making trouble." Feng He couldn't stand it anymore, and continued, "Zhou Zhou's father has something to do these days, so Zhou Zhou will continue to live in our house."

Lu Zhou's eyes lit up after hearing this, Zhao Jingcheng pulled his face down, while Zhao Suisui clapped his hands and said happily: "Yes!" Zhao Suisui

was having dinner here, and Zhao Haoyang and his party were Just came to Lin Juan's home.

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