Chapter 60

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Passing through the small courtyard of the Lu family, Zhao Haoyang was about to knock on the door of the Lu family.

But before he reached out, the door in front of him was pulled open from the inside, and Lu Zhou appeared behind the door with a flustered face.

Zhao Haoyang realized something was wrong, frowned, and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Uncle Zhao, my dad-" Lu Zhou's voice was a little flustered.

Zhao Haoyang looked past him to the living room, his expression changed immediately, and he ran in quickly, and at the same time told Lu Zhou: "Go and call someone over!"

Lu Zhou immediately ran out.

When Zhao Suisui saw Lu Zhou running out like a wind, his heart skipped a beat.

Knowing that he was not running fast, Zhao Suisui didn't keep up with him, but went straight to the living room of Lu's house.

As soon as he entered, Zhao Suisui saw that Lu Rong was lying unconscious on the ground with his eyes closed, and Zhao Haoyang was kneeling beside him, pressing his chest continuously with both hands.

Zhao Suisui covered her mouth, she dare not disturb Zhao Haoyang now.

Is it today? Something really happened to Uncle Lu...

Fortunately, Lu Zhou was very fast, and several soldiers carrying stretchers rushed over in a short while.

Zhao Haoyang immediately directed them to carry Lu Rong onto the stretcher.

The military vehicles of the troops have already parked at the gate of Lu's house.

Seeing this, Zhao Suisui immediately pulled Lu Zhou, who was still a little dazed, into the car together.

There was a doctor from the military health center in the car. He was examining Lu Rong while talking to Zhao Haoyang about the situation.

They also had no time to take care of Zhao Suisui and Lu Zhou.

Although Zhao Suisui was also worried and scared, he still held Lu Zhou's hand and comforted him and said, "Brother Lu Zhou, don't worry, Uncle Lu is sure to be fine." Lu Zhou just looked at him and still closed his eyes

. Lu Rong, who was lying flat, didn't respond.

The driver drove very fast and arrived at the hospital in a short while.

I wanted to call the hospital. As soon as the military vehicle stopped, there was a doctor waiting there, pushing Lu Rong to rush to the emergency room.

The people accompanying the troops also went along with them.

Zhao Suisui has short legs and can't run fast, so he can only remember their direction and follow slowly.

When she arrived, the door to the emergency room was closed.

Zhao Haoyang and Lu Zhou were waiting outside.

Zhao Suisui didn't like hospitals, nor did she like emergency rooms.

She knew it was useless to say anything now, so she sat silently beside Lu Zhou.

Zhao Haoyang stood restlessly at the door of the emergency room for a while, only to find Lu Zhou and Zhao Suisui who were also at the door of the emergency room.

"Why did you two follow?" Zhao Haoyang frowned and asked.

"Father, Uncle Lu..." Zhao Suisui called him.

Zhao Haoyang noticed his daughter's fear, walked over and touched her head, and said, "Don't be afraid, you, Uncle Lu, will be fine." Seeing that

Lu Zhou also looked over with his lips pursed, Zhao Haoyang looked at him and said, "Now The doctors are all inside, we have to trust the doctors."

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