Chapter 15

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Lu Zhou hesitated under the big tree for a long time, and finally made up his mind.

With a sullen face, he walked slowly towards Zhao Suisui's house.

Only two of the four families lived in the small building where Zhao Suisui's family lived.

The corridor is very quiet, only the rustling of the leaves in the breeze can be heard.

Lu Zhou walked up the steps step by step.

He decided to take a look outside the door later, and leave immediately if there is no problem.

Lu Zhou thought well, but what he didn't expect was that when he stepped on the steps on the second floor, he saw the open door of Zhao Suisui's house.

Outside the door, Zhao Suisui was standing alone facing the wall, with circles drawn under his feet.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" Lu Zhou asked with some doubts.

Zhao Suisui turned his head and saw that it was Lu Zhou, he flattened his mouth aggrievedly, and whispered, "I was fined to stand."

Lu Zhou: "..."

After a while of silence, Lu Zhou asked tentatively "You didn't tell your mother about the divorce, did you?"

Zhao Suisui felt a little ashamed and hesitated for a while.

Then, she raised her eyes and glanced at Lu Zhou quietly, raised two fingers to make an oath, and whispered, "Brother Lu Zhou, don't worry, I didn't say you told me!" Lu Zhou: "... .."

Then do I have to thank you?

"Who's outside?" Feng He's voice came from inside the room.

Zhao Suisui quickly shut his mouth tightly, and signaled Lu Zhou to leave quickly with his eyes.

However, Lu Zhou glanced at her and walked towards her house instead!

Zhao Suisui's eyes widened in disbelief.

As soon as Lu Zhou walked into Zhao's living room, he saw a big desk inside.

Feng He sat facing the wall with the window, lowered his head and held a pen to write something. Sitting beside the desk is Zhao Jingcheng, but now he looks a little anxious.

Feng He noticed Zhao Jingcheng's inattention, and said softly to him: "Read the book carefully."

However, Zhao Jingcheng still couldn't calm down, and turned to glance at the door, just in time to see Lu Zhou who came in, his eyes followed Opened his eyes in surprise.

Before Zhao Jingcheng could speak, Lu Zhou took the initiative to speak: "Hello, Aunt Feng, I'm Lu Zhou."

Feng He turned his head to look over and said with a smile, "Zhou Zhou is here? Are you here to play with Cheng Cheng and Sui Sui?" ?"

Lu Zhou pursed his lips, then shook his head, and said, "No, I told Zhao Suisui about the divorce, so-" Can you please stop

punishing her.

However, before he could say the second half of the sentence, Zhao Jingcheng, who was next to Feng He, jumped up, pointed at him, and said angrily, "Okay! It's you!"

He was punished to stand, and his mother didn't allow him to see his sister, saying that she wanted her to reflect on herself.

As for the door, Zhao Suisui had already moved to the door step by step when Lu Zhou entered the house, listening to the movement inside.

After hearing what Lu Zhou said, Zhao Suisui couldn't help but take a deep breath.

Ahhhhhhhh, what the hell is Brother Lu Zhou doing?

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