Chapter 16

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Zhao Suisui turned to look at Lu Zhou's side face, and quickly glanced at the door of the house. After confirming that it was safe, he poked Lu Zhou's arm and whispered, "Give it to me?"

Standing straight like a little soldier, after being poked, he turned his head and glanced at Zhao Suisui with bright eyes, and nodded in affirmation.

Wow! Terrible! Brother Lu Zhou actually gave her candy!

Zhao Suisui took the crispy candy in his hand and looked at it again and again.

Afraid that the crispy candy would be confiscated if found, Zhao Suisui carefully unwrapped the candy wrapper, split the candy in half, stuffed one half into his mouth, and put the other half on the candy wrapper and handed it to Lu Zhou.

Lu Zhou glanced at it, then shook his head to signal that he didn't want it.

Although Zhao Suisui is greedy for sugar, he is not the kind of child who only likes to eat alone.

So she tugged Lu Zhou's hand again, and put the candy to his mouth.

Lu Zhou pursed his lips and still refused to eat.

"Eat it, brother Lu Zhou, or you will be discovered later." Zhao Suisui whispered.

"You eat by yourself," Lu Zhou said.

Zhao Suisui didn't know what was wrong, the child got angry and insisted on Lu Zhou eating the candy.

She rolled her eyes, and suddenly bent down and yelled, "Ouch!"

Lu Zhou was really fooled, and immediately lowered his head to check.

Zhao Suisui had quick eyes and quick hands, and when Lu Zhou was not paying attention, he stuffed the sugar into his mouth with one shot.

But her head wasn't particularly good, and some crispy sugar residue was pasted on Lu Zhou's face, which made Lu Zhou's originally fierce face look a little more cute.

Lu Zhou wiped off the sugar on his face expressionlessly, and glared at Zhao Suisui who had a triumphant smile on his face.

"Is it delicious?" Zhao Suisui asked proudly.

Lu Zhou silently moved to the side, a little further away from her.

The movement at the door reached Feng He's ears in the house, and she felt a little helpless, "Zhao Suisui, what are you doing?"

Zhao Suisui heard Feng He's voice, and quickly rolled up the candy wrapper in her hand and stuffed it into the Then she said pitifully: "Mom, Sui Sui's legs are numb, can I rest for a while?"

Feng He didn't believe her voice full of anger.

Without raising her head, she said: "Then you can rub it yourself and continue to punish me."

Zhao Suisui: "..."


Obviously, Zhao Suisui is not a good boy who obeys the rules.

Soon, she was really tired of standing.

So, Zhao Suisui poked Lu Zhou again, and whispered, "I'm tired, let's go sit on the stairs for a while!"

Lu Zhou's personality was different from Zhao Suisui's.

He will never do something lazy and slippery. Once he decides to do something, he will definitely complete it meticulously.

Zhao Suisui failed in persuading Lu Zhou, so he settled for the next best thing, and said flatteringly, "Then I'll go and have a sit, can you help me out?"

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