Chapter 37

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"Yueyue, do you think Zhang Panpan is a little strange recently?" Zhao Suisui whispered to Wang Yue during class break.

Hearing this, Wang Yue turned her head to look at Zhang Panpan at the back of the classroom, then turned her head and said, "No? Isn't she always like that?"

Wang Yue didn't pay much attention to Zhang Panpan.

Although I accepted Lin Juan's cakes before, I asked Zhang Panpan to eat together several times.

But later Wang Yue found out that every time she asked Zhang Panpan to come over for dinner, Zhao Suisui would go to eat with her brother, Wang Yue came back to think about it.

She thinks that Zhao Suisui may be upset because she is playing with Zhang Panpan!

Compared with Zhang Panpan who can't fart with eight sticks, Wang Yue certainly prefers to play with Zhao Suisui.

And she only ate one piece of Lin Juan's pastry, and the rest was eaten by her brother Wang Tiedan. She asked Zhang Panpan to eat together several times, and she paid it off a long time ago.

Thinking about it this way, Wang Yue immediately pulled Zhao Suisui's hand and said, "Suisui, I am definitely the best in the world with you!

" "Ah???"

Anyway, Wang Yue didn't look for Zhang Panpan anymore, and Zhang Panpan's character would not take the initiative to come to Wang Yue for dinner, so Wang Yue paid less and less attention to Zhang Panpan.

And although Wang Yue felt that Zhang Panpan hadn't changed much, Zhao Suisui always felt something was wrong.

She observed Zhang Panpan quietly for a few days, and found that she always left the classroom during the break of the second period in the morning.

On this day, seeing Zhang Panpan leaving the classroom on time, Zhao Suisui thought about it and quietly followed.

Zhang Panpan still had that timid look, with his head lowered and his shoulders shrunk forward when he walked, looking completely pitiful.

Zhao Suisui watched Zhang Panpan walk more and more sideways, and when he walked towards a corner of the school where no one went, his doubts grew. Sure enough, Zhang Panpan had a problem!

Zhao Suisui still followed Zhang Panpan quietly.

Finally, she saw Zhang Panpan walking to a corner, where another girl was already waiting.

That girl was taller than both her and Zhang Panpan, and Zhao Suisui guessed that she should be a senior girl.

Zhao Suisui found a place to hide herself, and continued to watch what they were doing.

I saw Zhang Panpan obediently took out a few homework books from her arms and handed them to the senior girl, and the senior girl pulled them over, hit Zhang Panpan on the head with the homework books, and scolded her: "Why are you so slow?" !"

Zhao Suisui's eyes widened, feeling that this senior girl was a little too much.

But what she didn't expect was that the excess was yet to come.

After the senior girl collected her homework, she rummaged through Zhang Panpan's pockets and asked, "What food did you bring today, quickly take it out!

" body.

Zhang Panpan would bring some food every day, which was given to her by Lin Juan.

Out of care for Lin Juan, mother and son, any leftover ingredients in the canteen of the family courtyard were given to Lin Juan for free, so Lin Juan's family was not short of food rations.

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