Chapter 93

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Zhang Panpan suddenly became anxious, and shouted Zhang Wenlin's name loudly in the room.

Zhao Suisui and others also helped her find Zhang Wenlin.

Fortunately, Zhao Suisui heard some movement in front of the wardrobe in another room.

Lu Zhou stopped her, and stepped forward to open the closet door. The bright light made the whole closet unobstructed, and everyone's eyes fell on Zhang Wenlin who was trembling with fear in the closet.

As soon as Zhang Panpan saw his younger brother, he immediately went forward and hugged him: "Lin Lin, you scared me to death!"

Zhang Wenlin also hugged his sister in fear, and cried loudly.

After the emotions of both of them stabilized a bit, the police learned from Zhang Wenlin what happened half an hour ago.

It turned out that Ding Qiang came back shortly after Zhang Panpan ran out.

Zhang Wenlin was already afraid of Ding Qiang, and when he saw him hiding himself, Ding Qiang didn't find out.

As soon as Ding Qiang came back, he kicked open the door of Lin Juan's room.

"Is it you, did you call the police?!" Ding Qiang grabbed Lin Juan's neck with his hands and said angrily.

He didn't trust Lin Juan in the first place, but he panicked when he saw the police just now, and finally got rid of the people who were chasing him by relying on his familiarity with the terrain.

After thinking about it, he felt that it was Lin Juan who set up the game.

"Did that damn girl go to call the police!" Ding Qiang said fiercely, walking towards Zhang Panpan's room, "I must kill her!" Lin Juan covered her neck and saw the door opened and the empty room, her

eyes There was also a flash of surprise.

Ding Qiang only felt that Lin Juan was showing a guilty conscience, so he slapped her without thinking.

Lin Juan was slapped and fell directly to the ground. Seeing that Ding Qiang continued to beat her, Lin Juan couldn't help resisting, but was directly scratched by the knife in his hand, and blood flowed all over the floor.

Ding Qiang was afraid that the police would find him, so he wanted to run away.

But after thinking about it, he felt that Lin Juan could not be left here, so he put the knife against her neck and took her away with him.

As for where they went, no one knows.

The police could only go to other places to search for people.

After Zhang Panpan and Zhang Wenlin experienced such a big event, the army also heard the movement and temporarily took them back.

By the time Zhao Suisui and the others returned home after recording the statement, it was already dark.

As soon as the three of them entered the room, they saw Feng He sitting in the room with a bad face.

Seeing this, Zhao Suisui took a step back timidly.

Seeing her actions, Feng He became furious and asked, "Where have you three been?"

Zhao Suisui knew her mother must know when she heard her mother's tone.

She guessed right, Feng He did know what Zhao Suisui and the others did today, if she didn't know that none of the three of them were injured, she would have gone to the police station a long time ago.

"Tell me, whose idea is it?" Feng He said.

"It was my idea." Zhao Suisui took the initiative to stand up.

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