Chapter 28

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Since she knew that Lin Juan approached her mother by herself, and with her mother's guarantee, Zhao Suisui stopped clamoring to stay by Feng He's side.

She believes that as long as she is no longer tempted by Lin Juan's delicious food and mistook her for a good person this time, things will definitely not be the same as in her previous life.

Zhao Suisui has planned well, she goes to school as usual during the day, and she will definitely not meet Lin Juan at school, so you can rest assured.

After school, her range of activities should be limited to the vicinity of her home, and she should always be vigilant. As soon as she sees Lin Juan appearing, she runs away immediately, never giving Lin Juan a chance to get close to her.

Zhao Suisui had a good idea, but this plan encountered Waterloo on the first day.

On this day, Zhao Suisui went to school as usual. During the break, the teacher asked them to go outside the playground for activities.

Zhao Suisui was dragged by Wang Yue to dance the rubber band together.

"Malan blossoms twenty-one, two eight two five six, two eight two five seven, two eight two nine thirty one..."

Zhao Suisui sang and danced along with a group of little girls in the class. She was having fun, so she didn't notice how many people walked in from the school gate.

It was Lin Juan and Zhang Taohua who came to the school.

Zhang Taohua promised the three children to enroll them in school. No, on Monday morning, she brought the noisy three children to sign up.

Before leaving, she learned that Lin Juan hadn't sent her child to school yet, so she invited Lin Juan to come with her again.

Lin Juan was reluctant to come, but she thought that the children of the Zhao family were also studying in this school, so she changed her mind and agreed to come with Zhang Taohua.

There is a nursery in the family courtyard, where Lin Juan and Zhang Taohua's youngest sons are placed there for people to watch.

Commune Elementary School welcomes the transfer students. When they heard their intentions, they immediately took them to the office to complete the admission procedures.

There are three children in Zhang Taohua's family, and he spent a few dollars at once. He was so distressed that he grabbed the ears of the three sons and scolded: "You are really three prodigal sons. Do you know that you should study hard at school? Otherwise I'll cut you to death!"

"I know, I know!" The three children of the Zhang family said in unison and a little impatiently.

In the few days since they came to the family courtyard, they have gotten to know quite a few children in the courtyard. Seeing them having fun on the playground, they couldn't hold back the urge to go and play together.

"Okay, let's go." Seeing the longing in the children's eyes, Zhang Taohua waved his hand impatiently with some disgust.

The three children immediately rushed out like arrows leaving the string, and merged into the group of children.

"This is not going to school. It's obviously a different place to play, and you have to pay, so it's not worth it." Zhang Taohua finished talking, looked at Lin Juan who was staring at the playground, and urged, "We also have to pay for it." Go back."

"Sister Zhang, wait a moment, my family is introverted, I'm afraid she will be bullied at school, so I want to find a little girl to help take care of her." Lin Juan said.

Hearing what she said, Zhang Taohua immediately looked at Zhang Panpan, who was still standing beside Lin Juan's legs with his head down, nodded clearly, and said, "Your Panpan is indeed a little introverted.

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