Chapter 39

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The Zhang Panpan incident did not end because of this fight. On the contrary, it was because of this fight that it completely attracted the attention of the school and the army.

It's also Li Yan's own fault.

Li Yan dared to be so domineering at school, all because she had a good father.

Li Yan's father, Li Fugui, was originally an idle gangster in the village, but he seized the opportunity during the movement and transformed himself into a good position in the commune's revolutionary committee.

Li Fugui, who was in power, became a villain, and used his reputation to punish many people who had previously disagreed with him.

People in the commune dared not speak out against him, so they could only stay away from him.

At the same time, after Li Fugui came to power, he also supported many relatives in the commune. For example, Li Yan's current head teacher is a distant sister-in-law of hers.

It is precisely because she has her father in the commune and her sister-in-law from afar at school that Li Yan has turned into such a lawless appearance.

There were elementary school students who were bullied by Li Yan in the school before, but none of them chose to make trouble.

One was because the incident was not a big one at all, and Aunt Li Yan was protecting her at school, so it was useless to tell the teacher; the other was that they were afraid that they would be retaliated by Li Yan's father if it got too big.

At that time, just find an excuse and take someone to your house to smash it up, and there is nowhere to cry.

In fact, the case of Zhang Panpan was the same this time. At that time, the head teacher of the first grade went to the head teacher of the third grade, who was Li Yan's sister-in-law.

Aunt Li Yan winked a little bit, knowing that this time it was a child from the army, she didn't press down directly like before, but with the attitude of turning a big thing into a small matter, she pressed Li Yan to apologize, and wanted to put It all boils down to childish mischief.

Aunt Li Yan thought very well, but Li Yan is a pig teammate.

Li Yan is used to being domineering, how can she bear such grievances, so the scene of calling Sun Biao to block people appeared.

Li Yan was overwhelmed with anger, she not only wanted to beat Zhang Panpan and the nosy Zhao Suisui to vent her anger, but also went home and complained to her father, saying that her sister-in-law dared to force her to apologize.

As a result, Li Yan did not beat Zhang Panpan and Zhao Suisui, but was beaten up herself.

After being carried home by Sun Biao that day, Li Fugui saw his daughter crying out of breath, and immediately became angry. There are still people in this commune who dare to bully his daughter Li Fugui!

But when he heard that he was a child of the army, Li Fugui's face became a little hesitant.

"Yanyan, are you bullying the children in the army? Didn't I tell you not to mess with those children?" Li Fugui's face became a little ugly.

Li Yan is also a man who knows how to read, and immediately stopped crying, and argued: "I've seen it all, that Zhang Panpan is less courageous than a mouse, and no one plays with her, she doesn't look like a child in the army at all! "

Li Yan was afraid that her father would scold her, so she deliberately didn't tell the whole story.

When Li Fugui heard this, his heart immediately fell into place.

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