Chapter 42

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The content of the leaflet is nothing more than that the country currently advocates married couples to delay marriage and childbearing, lengthen the interval between births, and only have two children.

Beyond that, there are some recommended birth control options.

After Zhao Haoyang quickly glanced at the above content, taking advantage of Lu Rong not paying attention, he directly folded the leaflet a few times, and stuffed it into his pocket.

The next afternoon, Zhao Haoyang took a leave of absence and went to the hospital in the city center.

Along the way, thinking about what he was going to do next, Zhao Haoyang was still a little embarrassed, so his whereabouts seemed a little sneaky.

What he doesn't know, the more he hides it like this, the more attention will be drawn.

When the nurses in the hospital saw a tall man hiding his face stealthily, they immediately became vigilant and notified the hospital's security staff.

The staff member thought that Zhao Haoyang wanted to make trouble, so he stared at him quietly, planning to take action whenever something went wrong with him.

As a result, he stared and found that he had entered a department. After seeing the name of the department, the staff showed a clear expression on their faces.

Did you watch this? That's fine.

But looking at the tall and burly man, unexpectedly...

the staff said a few words of regret, and then left with a face of peace of mind.

And Zhao Haoyang looked around at the door of the department and found no one, so he opened the door and went in.

As soon as he opened the door, he saw an old doctor with gray temples and a pair of glasses sitting behind the desk in the department.

Zhao Haoyang walked in, closed the door carefully, and then sat down in front of the old doctor.

After sitting down, thinking about what he wanted to ask, he couldn't speak for a while.

The old doctor adjusted his glasses, saw Zhao Haoyang in front of him with a difficult expression on his face, and said clearly: "Don't be shy, just tell me if you have any specific problems, and the success rate of treatment will be higher if you treat it earlier." Zhao Haoyang: "

??? "There seems to be something wrong.

Seeing the old doctor's expression of pity, Zhao Haoyang reacted and quickly denied: "Doctor, I'm not-"

"I've seen many patients like you." The old doctor continued with an expression that you don't need to deny, "You don't need to pretend in front of me."

Zhao Haoyang: "..."

Zhao Haoyang took a deep breath, and then said in one breath: "I'm fine, I'm normal, I'm here to ask about the ligation operation!"

"Oh, really..." The old doctor seemed a little embarrassed, adjusted his glasses again, and said, "Then you came to the wrong place, go to the gynecology department and ask, but I personally don't recommend it."

"What I want to ask is male sterilization." Zhao Haoyang said again, he felt that the old doctor in front of him was a bit unreliable.

"Oh, this... what?!" The old doctor suddenly raised his voice, seemed surprised, and repeated again, "Are you going to have male vasectomy?" Zhao Haoyang nodded speechlessly.

The old doctor picked up the enamel cup, took a sip of tea to suppress his shock, then looked at Zhao Haoyang again, and asked, "Do you know that ligation is a sterilization operation? You don't want children anymore?" Zhao Haoyang said he knew, and asked

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