Chapter 41

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Both of them were taken aback by Zhao Suisui who suddenly ran out.

Feng He knelt down and touched Zhao Suisui's small head and asked her, "Why are you here?"

Zhao Suisui hugged Feng He's neck, and said anxiously, "Mom, don't you want to have any more children, okay?

" He was a little surprised to hear Zhao Suisui kept saying this, she didn't expect her daughter to reject having younger siblings so much.

Zhang Taohua also heard what Zhao Suisui said, and couldn't help but say: "Oh, why are you so ignorant, girl? Isn't it good that your mother gave you younger brothers and sisters?" "No, not at all

. Not good!" Zhao Suisui said loudly.

It's not that Zhang Taohua is bad, but in his bones, he inevitably has some backward thinking that many children are blessed, his son Jingui can support the family, and his daughter's family is obedient.

In her opinion, Zhao Suisui is obviously not a qualified daughter.

Therefore, Zhang Taohua couldn't help but said to Feng He: "Sister Feng He, why did your Jia Suisui develop such a domineering temperament!" After

criticizing, she continued to scare Zhao Suisui: "You should let your mother Give you a younger brother and sister, and then take all your things away!"

But Zhao Suisui didn't respond this time, but Feng He was a little angry.

How she raises her children is her business, and it's not up to outsiders to dictate.

Moreover, Feng He obviously felt that Zhao Suisui's arms tightened around him, presumably he was frightened by Zhang Taohua's words.

Feng He looked a little worried, she stood up and took Zhao Suisui's hand, and said to Zhang Taohua, "I can raise my child as I like, so I don't need to bother you."

After finishing speaking, she said softly to Zhao Suisui: "Let's go, let's go home."

Zhang Taohua looked at the backs of Feng He's mother and daughter leaving, and couldn't help but said to herself: "Aren't I just kidding? Why are you still angry?"

Zhang Taohua thought about it, and felt that what she just said was fine.

Which family in the countryside doesn't want to have a son? Like herself, she gave birth to four sons in one go, and they all walk with wind in the countryside. No one does not envy her.

However, although Zhang Taohua is a bit patriarchal, she is not the kind of person who thinks that her daughter's life is worthless, otherwise she would not have pitied Lin Juan and Zhang Panpan before, and helped them stay after busy work.

Just comparing with her son, she subconsciously thought how could her daughter be treated the same as her son? The daughter is going to be married after all!

During the days when she and Zhao's family lived opposite each other, Zhang Taohua could also see how Zhao Haoyang and Feng He raised their children. Every time I saw it, Zhang Taohua couldn't help but be speechless.

Feng He is not partial, everything is divided equally between the siblings.

For example, Zhang Taohua saw Feng He make a new set of clothes for Zhao Suisui brother and sister some time ago, which made Zhang Taohua sigh.

In this day and age, who isn't a small child picking up old clothes that a big child can't fit?

However, Feng He specially made new clothes for the youngest child, and this child was a girl doll.

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