Chapter 23

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It was the time after school, Zhao Suisui, Zhao Jingcheng and Lu Zhou were climbing the stairs to go home.

As soon as they reached the stairs, they heard the sound of moving things on the stairs.

The three of them went up to take a look, and just in time saw several soldiers in green uniforms carrying cabinets to the opposite house. Zhao Suisui still took a look at the door, and after entering her home, she

couldn't help asking Feng He: "Mom, what are those uncles doing across the way?"

People are going to move in."

Zhao Suisui thought about it carefully, and found that she didn't have much impression of the neighbor's family across the way.

In my memory, it seems that a family has moved in from across the street, but it doesn't have much sense of presence?

Ah no, not long after the neighbor across the street moved in, it seems that the stepmother also appeared not long after!

Zhao Suisui is not sure about the exact date when her stepmother will come over.

But it should be soon!

Zhao Suisui's expression turned serious.

Mom, danger!

Zhao Suisui's guess was correct, Lin Juan was indeed on the train at this moment.

There is no direct train in the county where she lives. Lin Juan changed trains twice in two days before finally boarding the train to Songnan.

She bought a train ticket, and she sat like this all the way.

After two days of running around, seven-year-old Zhang Pandi and two-year-old Zhang Wenlin turned pale and tired.

Only Lin Juan, her tired face could not stop the fire in her eyes.

The train stops at a station.

In the compartment, there are passengers getting off with their luggage, and there are also people who squeeze into the train with large and small bags.

A few people opposite Lin Juan got off the bus just at the stop, and the seats were instantly vacant.

But soon, she saw a child cleverly climbed to the seat opposite, accompanied by a woman's loud voice: "Don't squeeze, don't squeeze, there are little dolls, what should I do if I squeeze the doll?" Lin Juan looked

up , I happened to see a vulgar woman dressed as a village woman.

Her hair was disheveled like a chicken coop, she was carrying a large backpack on her back, and a one or two-year-old child was tied to her chest, and her hands were not idle, holding large and small bags.

In addition to the child who sat on the seat first, there were actually two children grabbing her clothes from left to right.

"There's a seat here, hurry up and sit in it!" The woman urged the remaining two children to get into the seats.

Seeing that the three children were all sitting down, the woman moved to the outside of the seat and put down all the things on her back and hands.

The woman had a lot of things, piled up in a mess at her feet, and even occupied the space under Lin Juan's feet, which made her frown.

Lin Juan held back her disgust and swept over, and saw that there was a chicken coop next to the woman's feet, and there were two live chickens inside...

The live chickens were moving restlessly in the cage, emitting a smell of embarrassment. smell.

Lin Juan covered her nose and hugged her youngest son Zhang Wenlin tightly in her arms. She didn't want to sit with this country woman, but she thought that she would arrive tomorrow morning, so she could bear it and forget it.

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