Chapter 26

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Zhao Suisui couldn't squat anymore, she stood up suddenly, ran to Feng He, raised her head and jumped up and said, "Mom, mom! Niu Niu and the others don't go to school, and I don't want to go to school anymore!"

Feng He Looking at Zhao Suisui who suddenly popped out, his lips couldn't help twitching: "Why are you running here to join in the fun?"

"Suisui doesn't want to go to school." Zhao Suisui hugged Feng He's leg coquettishly.

"Xiao Feng, this, this, this..." Liu Hongjun who was next to him heard what Zhao Suisui said, and almost didn't bring it up.

She was so angry with Zhang Taohua just now, and seeing Zhao Suisui running out and saying that she didn't want to go to school, she couldn't help but her eyes darkened.

This peach blossom will not trigger a wave of children dropping out of the family home, right?

No way no way? !

Feng He saw Liu Hongjun's despair, gave Zhao Suisui a helpless look, and then said to Liu Hongjun, "Sister Liu, it's just a child who likes to play around. I'll talk about her later." After speaking, she turned to Liu

Hongjun Lu Zhou, who stood silently beside him, said, "Zhou Zhou, can you help Auntie bring Suisui up?"

Lu Zhou nodded, and took Zhao Suisui, who still wanted to fight, away.

Feng He talked to Liu Hongjun downstairs for a while, promised to take good care of his children, and promised Liu Hongjun that he would try to persuade Zhang Taohua, so Liu Hongjun reluctantly let her go home.

As soon as he got home, Feng He's eyes caught Zhao Suisui who was lying beside Zhao Jingcheng watching him do his homework.

She beckoned to Zhao Suisui and said, "Suisui, come here."

Upon hearing this, Zhao Suisui jumped up to Feng He and said, "Mom, what's the matter?"

"Tell me, why don't you want to go to school?"

Feng He originally thought that Zhao Suisui was suffering from not being able to go to school, so he didn't want to go to school.

But seeing that she persisted for a few days and did not give up, she was really curious why her daughter suddenly resisted going to school.

"Because Suisui wants to protect mom!" Zhao Suisui said seriously.

"Mom is doing well here, why do I need your protection?" Feng He couldn't help but not knowing whether to laugh or cry.

"No, mom is very dangerous! Mom needs Suisui's protection, and bad people will hurt mom!" Zhao Suisui became excited.

She really wanted to tell Feng He everything, but she couldn't do it at all, and once she had this idea, her throat seemed to be blocked by something, and she couldn't make a sound at all.

Feng He felt that Zhao Suisui's words became more and more outrageous.

But seeing her worried about herself, I couldn't help feeling warm, and touched her little head, and said, "Then mother promises you that she will take good care of yourself, okay?"

Zhao Suisui frowned. He pursed his lips and said nothing.

In fact, she is still a little worried, mainly because she doesn't know whether her stepmother will come or not, and she also has an unknown fear of what will happen in the future.

She is too young, and it is really difficult to mobilize the huge memory.

Zhao Suisui really wished that she could be older, so that she could know a lot of memories, right?

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