Chapter 58

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No matter how Zhao Suisui protested, Feng He remained unmoved.

As a result, Zhao Suisui's small snack store was officially declared bankrupt after a short three-month existence.

Zhao Suisui wanted to cry, but fortunately the next day, Lu Zhou, who also lost a tooth, quietly took her to his home, and after giving her all the leftover candy at home, Zhao Suisui smiled happily.

This time she learned how to behave, and no longer hid the candy in her own room, but hid it in Luzhou's house!

She doesn't believe it, so mom can still know that she hides snacks!

In Zhao Suisui and Feng He's battle of wits and courage over snacks, time has quietly come to 1976.

Zhao Suisui is now ten years old.

But because the primary school in Songnan City still adopts a six-year schooling system, ten-year-old Zhao Suisui is still a primary school student...

but she will soon be, because today is the last day of her sixth grade.

At the moment, the college entrance examination is still at a standstill. After finishing middle school, you have to go to the countryside to jump in the queue, so there are no entrance exams.

The commune elementary school where Zhao Suisui works normally passes the final exam, and as long as the grades pass, she can enter junior high school.

That is to say, as long as Zhao Suisui finishes the last course, he can officially graduate from primary school!

It was already the beginning of July, and the weather was already hot.

When Zhao Suisui came out of the examination room, the scorching sun was hanging high in the sky.

After a morning of roasting, the air is full of hot and unbearable breath.

Zhao Suisui took out a textbook and fanned her cheeks. After feeling a little cooler, she and Wang Yue went back to the family home together.

And Zhao Jingcheng and Lu Zhou are one grade older than Zhao Suisui, so they are already in junior high school in the city.

Junior high school needs five and a half days of classes a week, and it is still far away from the family home, so it is really inconvenient to go back and forth every day.

Therefore, Zhao Jingcheng and Lu Zhou lived in school as soon as they entered junior high school.

They usually live in the school dormitory when they are in class, and they only come back to the family courtyard when they are on vacation on Saturday afternoon.

But now it's the end of the semester, counting the time, the two of them should finish their exams today.

In fact, when Zhao Jingcheng and Lu Zhou were going to junior high school, Zhao Suisui also clamored to go together.

But Feng He felt that Zhao Suisui was too young and worried about her, so he did not agree. Zhao Suisui had to stay in the commune primary school by herself for another year.

Fortunately, they will be in the same school again next semester!

Zhao Suisui and Wang Yue did not go home directly after returning to the family home, but went straight to the supply and marketing cooperative to buy popsicles.

There are many children in the family courtyard, and they are hungry for popsicles in summer, so the supply and marketing cooperative of the army will bring in some popsicles for sale every day.

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