Chapter 83

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Not far away is the cinema in the city center.

Coming into the 1980s, movie theaters are also coming to life as a great place to date.

The movie theater in the city center is always very lively, and you can always see many young men and women, many of whom are talking objects.

A man and a woman who had just come out of the movie theater were obviously dating, and the man was eager to get things and buy orange soda.

It's just that Lin Juan gritted her teeth when she saw this scene.

Because she would know that man even if he turned into ashes--Qian Qingshan!

Yes, she should have thought of it earlier! Qian Qingshan is also in Songnan City!

In his previous life, Qian Qingshan was also admitted to a certain university in Songnan City, and then met a new love in the university, and decisively abandoned her.

In this life, Lin Juan only wanted to make a fortune, and she had been in the army for several years, and had no chance to come to the city, so she forgot the existence of Qian Qingshan.

Although she hadn't been able to think of Qian Qingshan much in the past few years, but now that she met him unexpectedly, Lin Juan's hatred for Qian Qingshan came out all of a sudden.

If it wasn't for Qian Qingshan, how could she have ended up in such a miserable situation in her previous life!

Lin Juan still clearly remembers the scene when she went to find Qian Qingshan in her previous life.

Because of the experience of life, she is several times older than her peers, and because of Qian Qingshan's successful career and happy life, standing with her seems to be a decade behind.

Knowing Lin Juan's reason for coming, Qian Qingshan showed disgust in his eyes, and threw some money to her: "Take it away, you and your children don't come to me in the future."

At the same time, Qian Qingshan's new wife just came home, saw Lin Juan and asked casually: "Who is this?

" , came here to borrow money."

Lin Juan even forgot how she walked out of Qian Qingshan's house that day, but even thinking about the feeling of being humiliated now, she couldn't control her emotions.

Why should she have such a miserable life, but Qian Qingshan can have a successful career and a harmonious family!

In this life, Qian Qingshan can't live happily ever after!

Lin Juan stared at Qian Qingshan's figure, clenched her fists, and swore in her heart.

At the entrance of the cinema, Qian Qingshan felt his back suddenly go cold, as if being stared at by some cold-blooded animal.

He looked back with some doubts, and the place he saw was empty, so there was no one there.

It must be an illusion!

Qian Qingshan comforted himself, then walked into the department store while talking with the woman next to him.

The woman in front of her is Lai Xiaolan, Qian Qingshan's schoolmate.

Lai Xiaolan is not tall and looks average, but in Qian Qingshan's mouth, she is more beautiful than a fairy.

At this time, Lai Xiaolan was looking at a printed dress.

Lai Xiaolan touched the fabric of the dress with her hand, and asked the man next to her: "Qingshan, what do you think of this dress?" Qian

Qingshan glanced at the dress, then his eyes fell on Lai Xiaolan's face, and said affectionately: "Little girl, what do you think of this dress?" Lan, this dress is nice, but compared with you, it suddenly pales in comparison."

"I hate it!" Lai Xiaolan blushed, and gave Qian Qingshan a shy look.

"I'm just telling the truth." Qian Qingshan continued to say affectionately.

"I don't care about you anymore!" Lai Xiaolan stomped her feet.

The salesperson next to her: "..."

Help, why did her eyes suffer like this!

The two flirted in front of the salesperson for a while, and when the salesperson had a green face and wondered whether to drive the two out, they finally remembered the matter of paying the bill.

"Since you, Qingshan, think this dress is good, I'll buy it." Lai Xiaolan said.

"How can I make the lady pay the bill? I'll give you this skirt!" Qian Qingshan hurriedly said, and then handed the skirt to the salesperson, "Comrade, I need this. Help us wrap it up. How much is it?" The salesperson asked

. Packing it expressionlessly, he said, "Fifteen yuan plus three cloth tickets."

Qian Qingshan's hands trembled when he heard the figure, he didn't expect such a ragged skirt to be so expensive!

Although he was complaining crazily in his heart, Qian Qingshan's expression did not change. He nodded and said, "Okay."

After finishing speaking, he reached out to dig out his pocket. After digging for a long time, his face showed a bit of anxiety, and he looked at Lai Xiaolan next to him Said: "Xiaolan, it seems that my wallet was left in the dormitory and I didn't bring it. What can I do? It's all my fault. When I think of seeing you soon, I forget it in a hurry..." Waiting to

collect Qian's salesperson had had enough of this sticky couple, and said in a bad temper, "Are you buying it or not? If you don't buy it, don't stand here." "Why do

you have such an attitude as a salesperson!" Lai Xiaolan complained, "Did we say not to buy it?"

After finishing speaking, Lai Xiaolan took out money and cloth tickets from her bag, patted them on the glass display case in front of the salesperson, raised her chin and said, "Here, look clearly, the money is here! Wrap up the skirt for me!" The salesperson

counted After counting the bills, he didn't say anything after all.

Lai Xiaolan looked at Qian Qingshan again, and said, "Qingshan, it's not your fault, I'll let you behave like a gentleman next time!" "

Xiaolan, you're so kind." Qian Qingshan said affectionately.

The two took the wrapped dresses and walked out of the department store together.

On the way, Qian Qingshan put his hand on his well-hidden wallet, and quietly let out a sigh of relief.

This skirt was already enough to cover his living expenses for two months. It was absolutely impossible for him to buy a skirt with the money!

Fortunately, Lai Xiaolan is innocent and easy to deceive.

Qian Qingshan looked at the unattractive Lai Xiaolan, and felt a little disgusted in his heart, but Lai Xiaolan's father was the deputy director of the Education Bureau!

Qian Qingshan learned of Lai Xiaolan's family background by accident. After knowing that Lai Xiaolan's father was so capable, Qian Qingshan immediately launched an offensive against Lai Xiaolan.

After all, he is the deputy director. If he becomes his son-in-law, wouldn't his future be at his fingertips?

Although Qian Qingshan is a bit older, but fortunately he looks good and has experience in hooking up little girls.

Being pursued so passionately by him, how could Lai Xiaolan, who had never been in love before, be able to stop his offensive, so she soon fell in love with Qian Qingshan.

Now that he will be graduating next summer and will be assigned a job, Qian Qingshan is even more attentive to Lai Xiaolan, implicitly hinting that Lai Xiaolan and Lai Xiaolan should get married and meet their parents.

Qian Qingshan asked Lai Xiaolan to come out today because he wanted to add fire to the relationship between the two.

"Xiaolan, don't worry, when we get married in the future, I will buy you whatever you want!" Qian Qingshan said affectionately while holding the dress he just bought.

"You are shameless, who wants to marry you!" Lai Xiaolan scolded.

"If you don't marry me, who else do you want to marry?" Qian Qingshan quietly held Lai Xiaolan's hand.

Lai Xiaolan blushed, but she didn't break away, and said blushingly, "Then, then I'll go back tomorrow and talk to my parents about the two of us."

Qian Qingshan was delighted, and squeezed Lai Xiaolan's palm "Xiaolan, you are so kind, I will definitely treat you well in the future."

After sending Lai Xiaolan back to her dormitory, Qian Qingshan returned to his dormitory briskly.

Based on his understanding of Lai Xiaolan, as long as she lets go, the marriage between the two will basically be settled!

Qian Qingshan folded his hands on the back of his head, and couldn't help but imagine that he became the son-in-law of the deputy director of the Education Bureau, and then reached the pinnacle of his life.

The next day, Qian Qingshan did not go to Lai Xiaolan.

Since Lai Xiaolan said that she was going home today, it was naturally inappropriate to go to her.

Moreover, Qian Qingshan also understands the truth of relaxation.

When it should be tight, it should be tight, when it should be loose, it should be loose, and you should give the woman a feeling of inseparability, so that she will not be able to leave you!

Now that Lai Xiaolan just confessed to her parents about her partner, at this time, I must not go to her, I have to wait until the other party can't wait to come to me!

So even though he was scratching his head in anxiety, Qian Qingshan still held back and didn't go to Lai Xiaolan to find out what was going on.

After a few more days, Qian Qingshan should have almost reached the end of the day, and Lai Xiaolan couldn't help but come to him.

But Qian Qingshan waited from morning to night, and didn't even see a shadow of Lai Xiaolan!

Shouldn't it be? Based on his understanding of Lai Xiaolan, today is the limit for her not to see herself!

Could it be that something happened? !

Qian Qingshan frowned, and decided to visit Lai Xiaolan the next day.

Early the next morning, Qian Qingshan came to the downstairs of the girls' dormitory where Lai Xiaolan was.

After waiting downstairs for a while, Qian Qingshan saw a girl who was usually familiar with Lai Xiaolan, Qian Qingshan immediately called her to stop, and asked her to help call Lai Xiaolan down.

When the girl saw Qian Qingshan, her complexion changed, and she took two steps back without saying yes or no.

No matter how dull Qian Qingshan is at the moment, he still knows what happened that he doesn't know.

Could it be that Lai Xiaolan's father disagreed?

Qian Qingshan guessed in his heart.

After thinking about some messy things, Qian Qingshan felt that no matter what, he had to catch Lai Xiaolan first.

So he walked to the building where Lai Xiaolan's dormitory was located, raised his head and shouted loudly: "Xiaolan, Xiaolan!"

Qian Qingshan is no stranger to this kind of bold behavior. His enthusiasm and boldness finally caught up with Lai Xiaolan.

The girl downstairs, Qian Qingshan, quickly attracted the attention of many people.

The window of Lai Xiaolan's dormitory was also pushed open, but the person standing by the window was not Lai Xiaolan, but her roommate.

"Xiaolan doesn't want to see you, go away!" Lai Xiaolan's roommate said in a bad tone.

"No, I won't leave, I won't leave until I see Xiaolan today!" Qian Qingshan said loudly.

"You, why are you such a rascal!" Lai Xiaolan's roommate was a little annoyed.

Qian Qingshan's movement downstairs was not small, and soon many people surrounded him.

Some people who didn't think it was a big deal to watch the excitement, still shouted with Qian Qingshan downstairs: "Student Lai, you come downstairs to meet your partner, I think he is about to kneel down to you.

" Let's laugh.

Because of more and more onlookers, Lai Xiaolan finally went downstairs.

Seeing Lai Xiaolan's figure, Qian Qingshan immediately greeted him, and said affectionately: "Xiaolan, why are you ignoring me all of a sudden?"

Lai Xiaolan's eyes were red at the moment.

When she saw the affectionate Qian Qingshan, she took a deep breath, then raised her hand and slapped him heavily: "Liar, scumbag! Don't come to me again!" The spectators around

, They were all stunned by this scene.

Qian Qingshan didn't expect Lai Xiaolan to slap him suddenly, and his head was buzzing at the moment, and he didn't recover for a long time.

Lai Xiaolan didn't intend to explain either, she covered her mouth and ran away after the slap was deleted, leaving only Qian Qingshan and many other students watching.

"What's the matter, why did you slap all of a sudden?" Someone asked in surprise.

"I don't know, this female classmate's eyes are red, it must be that this man has done a lot of things?" Someone speculated.


For a while, the surrounding students were all whispering.

Suddenly, a voice appeared: "Do you all know who these two people are?"

"I know, I know, the man is from our Chinese Department, and his name is Qian Qingshan. The woman is his object, it seems to be called Lai Xiaolan !" A classmate of Qian Qingshan explained.

"Qian Qingshan? It can't be the Qian Qingshan I thought of, right?" The man's tone became meaningful.

"Why, do you know him?" Someone asked casually.

"You didn't go to the school's bulletin board today, did you? I suggest you go and have a look!" Another meaningful sentence.


Qian Qingshan caught these three words, he pushed away the crowd and strode towards the school's bulletin board.

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