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Please listen to the song while reading! Also available on the Spotify link in my Laxus playlist, located in my bio. Enjoy <3

"Rami? Ready yet babe?" Laxus rolled up his sleeves as he walked into the bathroom eyeing his girl from head to toe. 

She smiled back with her eyes as she finished putting on her earring. 

"Mmhhmm, you smell good Laxy," the brown haired mage sniffed her boyfriend and melted into him as he swung his arm over her shoulders. 

"Are you nervous, to tell them?" She asked peering up at the blonde who wiped his palm on his black slacks. 

He chuckled in response, "Fuck, I mean it's what gramps has wanted for the longest time and what I've wanted too. I don't need need anyone's validation except for yours." He finished and held the girl's hand rubbing circles on the back of her hand. 

"Well I've obviously told you yes, I kinda wanna keep this between us to just live in the moment but I'll be so happy for the others to know," She leaned down to put on her shoe but stopped mid-way as Laxus bent down instead, strapping her white sandals in place. 

"I love you," She whispered as he finished with her shoes and gently pecked her on the lips, releasing with a sly smile on his face. 

She sighed and melted into his side as he used lightning body to transport himself in front of the guild. 

It had been around a week after Rami and Laxus went to confront her dad Acnologia, and she couldn't be more thankful for the man by her side that showed her she didn't need a parent to thrive. 

After all, that's what she had been doing all this time. 

She did end up in a slump for a day or two, reminiscing about how she would've turned out if her father had cared about her. 

Laxus knew the feeling, after following the road of his own father his entire life until his grandfather pulled him out of it and hit him with the realisation that there's more to life. 

She was strong and and he knew it, that's why he gave her some time alone but when she needed him he was always there. 

He was the feeling of comfort, the feeling of home.

They held onto each other, fidgeting, nervous, as both their hearts beat like a drum, almost leaping out and into their throats. 

Rami pushed open the guild doors and the eruption of chaos and noise flooded into her ears. 

A flying chair almost hitting her face but she immediately broke it into pieces, this was followed by a sudden silence. 

She laughed at this whole heartedly in the quiet, the familiar feeling of when she first walked into the guild at 14 years old with a flying chair in her face, smashing it just like she did now. 

Guild members also laughed at the instance, some slapping their knee and some shaking their head with a palm slapped on their forehead.

She loved the place.

They were her family. 

Laxus smiled too, genuinely, and recalled the first time he had seen the brown eyed girl from the second floor. 

He loved her hard, and there wasn't anything he wouldn't do for her in a heartbeat.

He glanced at her clothing, how it complemented her eyes so well and how it fit perfectly on her body. 


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