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"I wish we could use Lightning body, this is too much fucking running." I gasped a hefty breath of air, placing my hands on my knees and leaning against a tree. 

"We have to keep going babe, come here." Laxus rasped as he pulled me into his front, lifting me up underneath my thighs and  wrapping my legs around his waist. 

He kissed my lips, gently tugging my bottom lip with his teeth, causing me to let out an airy moan. 

"I'm getting mad déjà vu right now," I whispered, gesturing to the tree. 

He chuckled, placing me down on the ground again. 

"As much as I want to fuck your brains out right now..." 

"Laxus! shut up, he could literally be listening and watching us right now." I slapped his shoulder playfully.

He smirked and shrugged a matter of factly, scratching the back of his neck. 

"I mean, we both have fucking daddy issues," He raised his eyebrows. 

1 hour earlier~

"Y-you what?" Droy's mouth was agape as he faced the wall because Laxus, told him to keep his eyes off of 'his girl.' 

'Don't be a jackass Laxy'

'Don't test me, I'll take you right here,'

Laxus also told him to distract the others in some way so we could slip out and escape to the second floor of the guild; S class only. 

We already accepted that Mira would see us in the, treacherous, condition we were, but we couldn't be stuck in a broom closet forever. 

Droy twisted the door knob, closing it behind him and a couple minutes later, the frantic yelling of Natsu and Gray were heard outside of the doors. 

The distant, "who wants to fight me?" was heard and I took this as a signal to get the fuck out of  here. 

The static of electricity jolted my frame producing adrenaline, pushing me forward and opening the door frantically, leaping towards the flight of stairs and hurrying inside Mystogan's old room, which was now used as storage but still had some of his things in there. 

Thank fucking god. 

I released a breath that I was holding in and slipped on some sweatpants that I found inside the cupboard as well as one of Mystogan's old shirts. 


Where the fuck is Laxus?

Peering out of the door, I stealthily made my way over to the balcony of the second storey, leaning against the railing, nonchalantly searching through the crowd for my blond-haired hunk of a boyfriend.

I spotted him sitting in the corner of the bar drinking a glass of something, with no shirt on, full muscles on display. 

But, thanks to Droy's 'distraction,' not many people noticed our presence. 

I quickly went back to Mystogan's room to fetch a shirt. The only size I found would probably be too small but there was no other choice. 

I quickly ran down the stairs sliding next to the lightning mage. 

'Thanks babe, but a little too small no?'

He grabbed the material pulling it over his head, just as Mira walked in from the kitchen doors, behind the bar. 

"Well well," She smiled widely, eyeing the both of us in this most vulnerable,distasteful position. 

Laxus pulled the collar of the shirt, cracking his neck as the material stuck perfectly to his body and accentuated his muscular frame. 

'So damn hot,' 

He turned to face me, hiding his smirk with his hand; elbow resting on the bar counter top. 

"Where have you two been?" Mira slid over a glass of lemon water with ice. 

"Uh we actually went to have a nice chat with Gildarts." I sipped, avoiding eye contact with Mira. 

She turned over to Laxus and he nodded, sipping his water as well.

"Alright, nice to know this chat lasted 3 days." She eyed us both suspiciously but dropped the subject when master Makarov sat on the bar counter top, acknowledging us both with a nod and serious look on his face. 

'What's up the old man's ass?' Laxus thought.  

I shrugged, the master's eyes not leaving me. 

I began to feel awkward under the gaze of the master and shifted closer to Laxus, finishing off my drink. 

Laxus noticed and raised an eyebrow at his grandfather, placing his hand in the small of my back. 

Gildarts had called the master through a video lacrima, alerting him that a dark presence was near. We got away just in time, one more day and he would've caught up to all three of us. 

At least that's what Gildarts told the master. 

Abruptly, a chill appearing near my neck prompted my fingers to feel my skin. My fingertips retracted as I felt a hardened surface instead of skin. 

"What the fuck," I whispered as the chilling breeze became more apparent to the rest of my body. 

Laxus turned his head to me as he squinted his eyes at my neck. 

He reached out feeling the side of my neck as I furrowed my eyebrows. 

"What? what is it?" I tilted my neck, positioning it closer to Laxus. 

He leaned in, tapping at my skin with his fingertips. 

"I don't know they look like-" He was cut off by Natsu racing over and sniffing me.

"Ram Ram.. you smell like a dragon." Natsu kept sniffing me and I turned to face the master. 

"Listen to me child, run and don't stop running. I'm sorry to do this to you but I can't risk the lives of all my other children, right now you have to go." His stern voice resonated through the guild and Laxus' grip tightened at my waist. 

"Hey gramps what are you talking about, she's not going anywhere." He wrapped an arm around my back and pulled me flush against his side. 

"Boy, don't get in the middle of this." Makarov rumbled and Laxus muttered a tch. 

"He's coming isn't he?" I asked as I stood up and away from Laxus' grasp, reading the look on his face as slightly offended.  

"Mira I'm gonna need a bag and a bottle of vodka." She nodded, straight away handing me both of the things as I slung the bag across my shoulder. 

"Wait, hold on what the fuck are you doing?" Laxus stood up encasing his arms around my shoulders from behind, I looked up at his creased forehead and expression of worry. 

"Mira, I'm gonna need a bottle of whiskey too." Laxus suggested and got handed the signature bottle of whiskey in less than a second. 

"Where are you taking that?" I held his hand rubbing my thumb on the back of his hand. 

"We're gonna celebrate after we beat that fucker, it's him isn't it? I'm coming with you Rami, don't think for a second that I'm gonna let you go on your own." He turned me around holding my cheek in his palm as I melted into his touch, kissing his palm. 

Master Makarov wiped tear from his eyes and turned away facing the wall. 

"Go, there's no stopping you boy. You've finally found the future mother of my great grandchildren." He sulked and sniffed as the other guild members insisted on fighting with us. 

"No! you guys can't come with us." I pointed at all of the members as Laxus also nodded his head. 

"Wait, who exactly is coming?" Lucy raised her hand next to Natsu who held a stoic expression; eyebrows furrowed. 

I looked at my dear cousin Gajeel holding the same expression as his salmon-haired guildmate. 

I inhaled a deep breath.

"My father, Acnologia."

Rocky Lightning ~ LAXUS DREYARWhere stories live. Discover now