Dark eyes scanned the sea of preschoolers and their parents. There are so many options...so many choices. If his plan was to work, he needed to choose wisely.
Eyes fell to a pair who appeared to be polar opposites but clung to each other. The little blond boy loudly argued with a woman, who had to be his mother if appearance was any indication, as he clung to the hand of a quiet green-haired boy. A second woman stood near them, laughing softly, the other boy's mother based on appearance.
Yes. Those two. They were perfect for his needs. Using a weak analysis quirk he had, he studied the two.
The blond would develop an explosive quirk. Very interesting and potentially useful.
The green-eyed boy wouldn't develop anything. Poor thing. He could remedy that with no problem.
Perfect subjects for his plan. Now all he had to do was get his hands on them.
"Cause a distraction," he ordered, eyes locked onto the group of four.
Figures rushed past him as his hired hands set about attacking the preschool. In a flurry of motion, parents screamed and snatched up children as they scattered. In the midst of the chaos, he strolled down without a worry in the world. The targets had been snatched up by their mothers as the woman searched for a way out. His lips twitched into a smile.
Too easy.
"Ladies," his voice sounded harried and panicked as he hurried towards them. "This way! We've found a shelter."
The desperate woman raced after him as he led them away from the school and the chaos. Soon enough they were at an abandoned building, just inside the door.
The green-haired woman soothed her hysterical son as the blond started to thank him.
"No, thank you, ladies," he cooed. He could see them tense up as they realized something was off. "You made this very easy."
The boys were plucked by another of his quirks, a telekinetic one, as he snapped their necks at the same time. He listened to the two boys screech in terror and fear as their mothers collapsed to the ground while they dangled in the air. A twitch of a finger brought the boys closer to him.
"Now, now," he said gently. "You're going to be just fine. I am saving you from a world that will hurt you in the future."
"Mama!" the green-eyed boy wailed. "Kacchan!"
"You fucker! I'll kill you!" the blond screamed, kicking at him. "Let Deku go!"
The man smiled. "Kacchan and Deku. I know those aren't your real names, but I like them. Now, come boys. Your future awaits you."
A portal opened and the new trio disappeared, leaving behind the bodies to be discovered later on by a poor realtor coming to set up an open house.
A search was started immediately for their children who were now missing. Days passed with no signs of the boys and no one accused of murdering the two mothers.

UA's Gremlins
FanfictionWhen All For One "rescues" two preschoolers from danger, they become his successor's "little brothers" and grow up being frustrating little chaos gremlins. One has the personality of an unstable bomb, while the other is a master manipulator. What...