The Demons Plot...

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Katsuki returned home that night with Principal Nedzu in tow. Aizawa let the pair sit with his boss to discuss Izuku wanting to really start shit. Apparently, Nedzu had good authority who was left and decided it would be a good chance to truly test the hero courses for all three years.

"You want to what?" Aizawa grunted when he heard the plan.

"I would like to run a training day for the hero courses with your boys playing the villains," Nedzu explained. "After all, only your class has truly faced villains in combat."

"And that wannabe Class 1B," Katsuki added.

"And some of the third years," Aizawa tossed in.

"Very true, but that number is relatively small in the grand scheme of things," Nedzu agreed. "We have three real villains, although formerly, on hand to actually do battle with. With their and your permission."

Aizawa glanced at the two teens who just smirked at him.

"Rules for both sides?" Aizawa asked.

"No lethal or critical injuries," Nedzu explained. "No maiming. Otherwise, it is a fair game!"

Aizawa sighed. "What do you two say?"

Katsuki smirked. "Our class gets it. The others...have no fucking clue how to handle real situations. Plus it'll be fun!"

Izuku nodded, a slightly manic smile on his face.

"Fine, but do it tomorrow so kids have time to rest," Aizawa sighed. "And I'll be overseeing it."

"Agreed. Do you wants want to go speak to Dabi?" Nedzu asked.

The pair was on their feet and out the door that same instant, Katsuki cackling with evil glee.

"You may voice your concerns," Nedzu said calmly, folding his paws on the table.

"Is this a good idea?" Aizawa asked, concern lacing his voice.

"It seems that the majority of our threat has been taken care of with yesterday being the most violent," Nedzu explained, nodding his head as he spoke. "I also believe that your boys have a lot of pent-up aggression with everything that happened this year. Same with some of the students themselves. Robots do not provide more than the ability to destroy something. Fighting us challenges their ability to fight someone older, more experienced, but we also held back."

Aizawa caught on. "And doing this would put them against experienced enemies who are not afraid to fight. I see your point. And you are right on one key point."

"That our boys need a chance to truly vent," Hizashi said as he joined them. "Eri's asleep."

Aizawa nodded. "Izuku especially. In our sessions...he's made it clear that while he is trained, he was always sidelined."

"I say we start with the third years and work down to the first years," Hizashi advised. "They're bound to be worse at the start and calm down as they get to vent."

"I shall set it up," Nedzu agrees. "I shall see you tomorrow, Aizawa. "

Aizawa sighed and stood to walk him out. The back door banged open, and Izuku's squeal of laughter echoed through the house.

All three adults turned to spot their gremlin thrown over Katsuki's shoulder and the blond stomping in.

"Fuck you, feather brain!" Katsuki snarled over his boyfriend's giggles.

"Oh, come on," a voiced whined behind them. "Haven't seen me in years and I can't snuggle you?"

"What are you doing here, Hawks?" Aizawa demanded, the edge of dark warning to his voice. The number two hero, who had been contently trailing the teens smiled.

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