Camp Aftermath

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At the LOV base

The hired villain screams filled the usually silent bar drowned out only by powerful explosions.   

None in the little family moved to help her.   Toga sat on a stool, knife twirling in her hand.   Dabi watched with his own bloodlust in his eyes.   Shigaraki ignored the chaos, going to speak with All For One.

Katsuki snarled, his pupils blown wide in his rage.   When all that was left were his explosions, he stumbled back.  Blood dripped from his face and hands as he panted.   He was vibrating with rage.


Everyone flinched away from him.  Katsuki was usually the calm one.  Izuku was the one who enjoyed causing pain...but at the moment there was nothing they could do.

Kurogiri was the only one to step in.  "Young master," he said firmly as he stepped over the chared and destroyed body of their former hire.  "I am sure he is okay.  He was surrounded by heroes."

"No one with a healing quirk!" Katsuki snarled, nearly foaming at the mouth.   "There wasn't anyone there with a quirk to heal him!   She went for his fucking heart!"

Toga glared at the body, wishing she could cause some pain.   Dabi looked away, regret that he hadn't let Katsuki fight free.   If they lost Izuku...

"I did."  All For One's voice chimed in.

Katsuki spun to the tv.   He stalked towards it.  "I'll kill you, crusty motherf-"

"Enough," All For One cut in.   "It had to be done, Katsuki.   Aizawa was too suspicious.   The plan had to change in order to throw suspicion off of you two.    After all, why would we harm someone who was one of us?"

Katsuki shook as his hands smoked.  "She went for his heart.    She didn't just hurt him!"

All For One held up his hand.  "I know, son.   She wasn't suppose to cause him damage like that.   Hurt him, yes.  Stop him from getting to you, yes.   And I am nearly positive that Aizawa will not let anything happen to him."

"If he dies," Katsuki snarled, hot tears streaking his cheeks, "I will kill you first."

With that the blond left to clean up and left his mess for the others to clean up - his punishment for them drawing Izuku's blood.


(Meanwhile, at camp)

The silence was shattered by screams and cries of terror.   Aizawa felt numb even as he went into hero mode.

"Todoroki, freeze him now!" Aizawa ordered as he raced forward and rolled Izuku onto his back.  The wound to his chest was freely leaking blood as his face grew more and more gray.   The underground hero tore his capture weapon from his neck and pressed it as hard into the wound as he could.   He looked up at Endeavor's son who stood in shock.   "Todoroki!  Use your ice now!"

The duel quirked teen jerked from his shock and shot ice across the ground to wrap around Izuku.   " will this help?" 

Aizawa ignored the helplessness in his student's voice.  "Kirishima, break the ice from the ground but do not break it from around Midoriya.   Uraraka, reduce his gravity once the ice is free so we can get him back to camp.  Tokoyami get word back to came we need medical help immediately!"

The students burst into action.   Except for Todoroki, Uraraka, and Kirishima, the other students took off for camp.   Aizawa watched his students follow orders despite the tears on their cheeks and the shaking in their hands.   Soon, Izuku was floating in his ice cocoon and they were racing for camp.  Aizawa focused on the three steps of pounding footsteps behind him as he focused on the flashing lights ahead.

He nearly slammed into a first responder as they broke free from the trees.   "Gaping chest wound," he spat out.  "He's frozen to keep him alive.   You cannot let him die."

The head medic came up, studying Izuku through the ice.   "Minor heart trauma, massive chest wall trauma," she said.  "Get him on the stretcher.   Who's ice is this?"

Todoroki stepped, his face blank.  "Mine, ma'am."

"Unfreeze him and trust me, okay sweetie?" the medic said gently, her hands hovering over the ice.   "Can you do that?"

Todoroki did as he was asked, watching one of her hands snatch the capture weapon and throw it away while the other slammed down into the wound.  Seconds later her other hand joined the first.   A soft white light came from her palms as someone else helped her climb onto the gurney. 

"Move!" she ordered as she knelt over top the fallen student, her hands pressed over the chest.

It was only after the squad squealed away that the students broke.  Aizawa looked around at each of them, his heart breaking as they clung to each other crying.  He barely gave Todoroki acknowledgment as his student handed him his blood soaked scarf.   How could he have assumed Izuku was a villain?   Would a villain let his classmates grow to care about him so much? 

"I'm sorry..." Aizawa whispered to no one as he clung to the sticky weapon.   "I'm so sorry, problem child."

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