"Not all of us teach," Denki said as he leaned forward.
"Oh?" Aizawa asked as Hawks studied them.
"Yeah," Mina giggled. "Though I wish that dear, sweet idiot who wet himself was here so he could see how to really handle the bad guys."
One of the thirds years stood up. "How do you know they won't go easy on you cause you're they're classmates?"
Mina stood to return the challenge. "Because they know that we'll see right through that!"
"Actually, I'd go with they have more respect for us and our skills, kuro," Tsuyu pointed out.
"Yeah, Bakugo's never gone easy on any of us during training," Sero added.
"I call bull," the third year spat.
Hawks leveled a cold glare. "Tough words for someone who I had to dig out of a collapsed building while he cried."
The third year sat down, red in the face. There were a few snickers, but Aizawa just shook his head and leveled his patented glared at his students.
"Who's the victims?" Aizawa asked.
Jiro, Yaoyorozu, Uraraka, and Iida stood up. Their classmates cheered the team of four and Aizawa nodded. The team walked down and waited by the door. He noticed none of them were in full costume.
"What's this?" the man grunted.
Iida smiled. "We want to show the third years how to do it without all the flash and pomp. We have the support gear we would have with us on the street."
"And nothing more," Uraraka giggled as she adjusted her wristbands that helped with her nausea.
"Hold on," Aizawa said and pulled out his phone, shaking his head. He hit a button and waited.
"Sup, teach?" Dabi's voice echoed through the auditorium.
"So you all have only one more class level," Aizawa announced with a smirk.
"Huh? I thought we had the second years next," Katsuki's voice growled.
"You were supposed to," Hawks laughed. "But it seems like the thirds years and their failures scared them off. Class 1B too."
There was a burst of laughter from the other end. Class 1A joined the laughter and the third years flinched.
"That's too rich!" Katsuki howled. "So our class of psychos are the only ones brave enough to face us?"
"Not the whole class," Hawks sighed. "Guess they're too sca-"
"Not scared," Izuku giggled.
"Yeah, I agree with the nerd," Katsuki snickered. "They probably didn't like the teams you all set."
"How many teams?" Dabi wondered.
"Just one," Aizawa answered. "The class voted. They chose the four they're sending against you. Same set up?"
"Nah," Katsuki smirked. "Let's play tag."
Jiro smirked. "Oh it's on, blasty!"
"Bring it, Ears," Katsuki cackled back. "Izuku's escorting the prisoners to ya now. If you don't want us planning ahead, hide who else is on your team."
"Done," Jiro countered. She smiled as the other three hurried back to their class, scattering amongst them. She stood beside the two pros as the doors opened. Kirishima and Hitoshi stood there, smirking. Izuku studied his class, eyes curious.

UA's Gremlins
FanfictionWhen All For One "rescues" two preschoolers from danger, they become his successor's "little brothers" and grow up being frustrating little chaos gremlins. One has the personality of an unstable bomb, while the other is a master manipulator. What...