Aizawa's Suspicions

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Aizawa sat with All Might, President Mic, Midnight, Vlad King, and a few others. All looked over his report as Nedzu happily sipped at his tea.

"So you think the demons are high school kids?" Vlad asked with a frown.  

"That's impossible," All Might sighed.  "Not eith what they can do."

Aizawa shook his head.  "I saw them face to face.  They aren't adults.  They are kids.  And I think they're our kids."

All eyes turned to him.  Nedzu tipped his head.

"Care to elaborate on your theory, Shouta?" The rat faced principle asked.

Aizawa sighed.  "I swear I've seen their style of teamwork before and recently."

"There is no way!   We screen too thoroughly for that," Vlad cried.

Mic shrugged.  "Yeah, we do," he agreed.  "But it can be tricked just like the barrier earlier this month.   Maybe we have spies."

"Well, who then?" Midnight wondered.

Aizawa pushed two photos forward.  "These two.   Their past is suspicious, and 5they have a similar style of partnership."

All Might frowned.  "Midoriya and Bakugo?   But surely those boys wouldn't be villains.   They're too young and inexperienced. "

Nedzu tapped his chin.  "I can see where Shouta deems them a suspect.   I reviewed the footage from USJ.   They really do work in tandem very well and with more experience than you might suspect from first year students."

The teachers mumbled between themselves.   Slowly, they began to agree with the observations.

"How can we prove it, though?" Mic wondered.   "Not like we can just ask the little listeners.   If they got past our testing then I don't doubt they'd be able to out talk anyone who questions them."

Aizawa leaned forward, hands folded together.  "I have some challenges coming up.   I'm going to put them in different groupings to see how they do without each other."

"Also have them face off against each other," Nedzu suggested.  "See if they go just as eagerly at each other as they do their classmates."

The gathered teachers murmured their agreement.   Vlad King still seemed uncertain.

"I still don't see how these two could be villains," the man grunted.  "Their return from America has been well documented.   They have been nothing but model citizens and there is nothing to indicate a connection.  The Demon Duo don't even have the same abilities."

"Don't they?" Aizawa challenged.  "The one who never speaks - he directs the fire handed one by whistling.   I watched Midoriya direct Bakugo with one word directions.   Those two methods seem very similar."

"Indeed," Nedzu agreed.  "And Bakugo does have to light his hands on fire to utilize the explosive sweat he produces.   Perhaps he has been taught how to control it so that his hands heat, but don't cause explosion's?   I wouldn't put it past the League of Villains to train someone to find new ways to use their quirks."

"I've never seen that angry blond just heat up his hands," Midnight pointed out.  "As soon as he starts his sweat is already exploding."

"That he's shown us," Mic added.   "Sorry to play devil's advocate, but Nedzu could be right.   Plus I can see the value of having moles that seem innocent."

"So why put them so forward in the press?" Vlad fought back.

"Hiding in plain sight," Aizawa answered.   "It's what I'd do.   They say better the devil you know than the one you don't.  Present two 'scared' children who were taken after a villain kills their mothers as simply having been living in hiding for their safety?   Genius.   No one is going to doubt kids dealing with PTSD or whatever they were presented as having."

"That's a stretch and you know it, Aizawa," Vlad spat.

Nedzu's tea cup smacked the table, pulling silence from all of them.   Eyes turned to their boss and they waited in silence.  The animal hero considered the options and information before him before he stood with a grin.

"We will say nothing to the boys," he announced.  "Aizawa will keep a closer eye, as we all will, and I want everyone to try different methods to separate them.  Watch their interactions and I will look into their history.   It is better they don't suspect we might see them as potential enemies."

"Why?" Midnight wondered.   She was always fascinated by how her boss' mind worked.

The little furry face grinned.  "I think we could be looking at the tool to end this war with All For One...if we play our cards right."

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