How It Should Have Been

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Hitoshi scrolled through his phone as Dabi sat on the floor with the boys in his lap, quietly reading them a story and Eri hummed at the low coffee table coloring.   The tv was on, but none of the odd family was paying attention until the familiar chime indicating a press conference sounded.   Everyone looked up at the screen, even Izuku's unseeing eyes.

Hawks stood at the podium with Aizawa, Hizashi, Midnight, and even Endeavour standing behind him.

"Your old man is a part of this?" Hitoshi asked.

"He's trying to atone," Dabi grunted.  "I think reality bitch slapped him in the face when he saw the anger and hatred Sho has."

Hitoshi snorted and smiled.   Since the Todoroki siblings had started working on their relationship and the war, the youngest sibling had gotten braver.   It had also helped that he was just as involved with the two toddlers this last month.   That meant more time with Dabi and more time just talking to other people about his feelings, something Izuku and Eri were both very astute with.

"Thank you for gathering," Hawks began as cameras clicked.   "We waited to host this until we had the chance to make certain reports were correct and factual.   Today I would like to confirm that both the villain known as All for One and the League of Villains are officially no longer a threat.   All for One and leader of the League have both been exterminated due to the efforts of the vigilante pair formerly known as The Demon Duo."

Voices began to shout from the crowd of reporters and Hawks paused, waiting for the chaos to settle.   It took several moments, as well as Aizawa activating his quirk, which was still terrifying despite being down by one eye.   Endeavour joined in the intimidation when a few more stubborn reports continued to test the waters.   Hawks smiled at the quiet.

"Awesome!  If you let me finish, you are welcome to ask questions at the end," Hawks smiled.   "The Demon Duo was comprised of a pair of teenage boys with powerful quirks.   They were abducted as preschoolers and their mothers left dead as a result.   All for One held these children captive and brainwashed them to believe his dreams and goals.   Their original mission was the infiltrate UA High School and disrupt daily operations while feeding information to the League.  It was actually through the friendship and loyalty of the staff at UA, and their classmates, that these two victims were rescued and turned traitor against the villains.

"They began to work beside the staff of UA to prepare for the undeniable battles that would come.   They faced further torture as they were repeatedly targeted by their former allies.   In their efforts and survival, they not only helped bring about the downfall of the enemy but rescued other victims of these villains.  Exactly one month ago today, these two teenagers gave their lives to bring a stop to Shigaraki's reign of terror.   It is because of the Demon who Whistles we were able to spare millions of lives by running full evacuations based on the kiddo's quirk.   The Demon with Fire Hands weakened the enemy until they could be exterminated.

"While neither boy will have a family to mourn them or a grave for visitors, I do not want the people of our great country to forget them," Hawks paused to let the words sink and narrowed his eyes when one report jumped up.

"Why should we?   They were villains!" the man challenged.

Endeavor, of all people, stepped forward.   "They were victims!  Victims we as heroes failed in every way imaginable.   They told us how they were kidnapped, watched their mothers murdered, and then held in isolation while being repeatedly told that their family was made up of the very people who took everything away from them.   They didn't know a kind word or hand except for the students and staff of UA...and one other vigilante who has also been acquitted of past crimes."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13 ⏰

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