Summer Camp

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The Demon Duo made a few random appearances in cities far from home to draw the heroes away.   Izuku continued to warn that Aizawa was still suspicious, but that he was doubting his suspicions.  The year progressed and soon enough they were at their exams.  Katsuki was paired with Izuku, at last, and the pair was pitted against All Might.  

The teens bickered about "plans" in their exam and were not consistently in sync - which was something they had been doing for the last few months.   There were moments when they moved at if they were one in the same, but there were also moments when Katsuki went off on his own.  They managed to make it out, Katsuki getting the brunt of the beat down.  Passing was nice, but Izuku wanted All Might's blood after how he'd tossed Katsuki around like a rag doll.  He ignored the blood lust for sitting at Katsuki's beside while he recovered.

The day they were told about the fact that they were going to summer camp, planning at the bar began.   New, less noticeable trackers were places in the teens' clothes and they discussed how the location wasn't being revealed just yet.   USJ had triggered more security and less flow of information.  Katsuki and Izuku let themselves be dragged out for shopping for the camp.  It didn't take long for Izuku to be separated from the rest of the class by the crowds.   Katsuki's job was to distract their peers and his was to update their brother.

Izuku settled onto the bench, smiling at his phone as Shigiraki joined him.  "Hey big brother," Izuku whispered.

"So it seems you two blend in well," the white haired teen grunted as he sipped at his milkshake.  

Beside him, Izuku hummed happily as he jotted a note into his notebook.  "The hobo is suspicious," he mumbled.  "I think he is linking our park interaction to school."

"Oh?  Why's that, little brother?"

"I think he noticed something happened to me in the park when he used his quirk.   We left a bit too quick."

"Did he try again?"

"Yep."  Izuku glanced over as he popped the p.   "At training.  I played up the fear and shock, but I'm not sure he bought it."

"He's too damn smart," Shigaraki sneered as he tossed his now empty cup into the trash.  "Ideas?"

"Not that I can think of," Izuku sighed.   "Not really much else other than making sure I don't let him catch on if we fight again."

"Train without your quirks.   Kat always says you don't need them."

"That means we have to find a way to cancel them out.   Just not using them keeps my sight."

"Ahh, so blind fighting."

"Yeah.   The hobo has suggested I learn, just in case though."

"So that might also be a giveaway."

Izuku sat up straighter suddenly.  "Grab my neck.  Now!"

His brother didn't hesitate and wrapped his fingers around his brother's neck, careful of his pinkie.   Seconds later the brunette Izuku always whined about came bouncing up.

"There you are!  I noticed we'd lost you and I left your boy toy with the others to find you.   Who's this?" she asked.

Izuku was tense, as if terrified.  "Ura...get away," he stammered, voice tight.

The brunette lost her cheer.   "Who are you?   What are you doing to Midoriya?"

Shigaraki caught on and cackled as he tightened his grip just enough to form slight indentations on his brother's neck.  "Oh, we're just old friends chatting.   Why don't you go ahead and run along, little girl?"

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