It only took a matter of hours for a room to be set up for the two boys. Neither had left Shigaraki's side since they had met. Izuku because Toga scared him and Katsuki because he went where Izuku went. Kurogiri gathered up clothes, toys, and smaller furniture for the two.
The hours turned into days, which turned into weeks. The boys grew accustomed to their new lives, unaware of the search for them in the outside world. Katsuki grew closer with Dabi and Shigaraki. The two teens loved teaching him new curse words and how violence was always the answer.
Izuku actually found himself best friends with Kurogiri. It took exactly one day for Kurogiri to realize Izuku was a natural manipulator with his big, doe like eyes and a few tears. It took exactly one additional hour for the entire team to find out that the toddler was fully aware of this skill. Soon enough, the game amongst the teens was who could last the longest against Izuku's puppy eyes.
Despite their preferred people, the duo was never far from each other for long. They shared a bed, often being found under a blanket, trying to read a book long after being out to bed. Kurogiri, or Mamagiri as Izuku had dubbed him, was usually the one taking away the book and flashlight as he issued them to bed, threatening the teens if they gave them back...then groaning as inevitable one of them did just that.
His real headaches came from the pure chaos the tots brought with them. Just the other day, he walked in on such a moment. He found Izuku sniffling at Katsuki's side with the blond looking at Shigaraki seriously.
"Dabi-niisan called Izu a weakling," the blond was grumbling. Izuku muttered that it was okay, but the boys ignored him.
"He did? What do we do then, little bomber?" The leader asked, snickering as he scratched at his neck.
"I get the knife from Toga-oneesan," Katsuki said carefully. "And cut Dabi."
Toga cackled where she sat as Dabi began shouting that there would be no stabbing. Kurogiri just sighed as he spotted the little smile on a teary face.
His only response as he walked away to make lunch was, "Stop teaching your brothers to attack each other."
All for One was rather happy with how close his little band of misfits grew. The two young boys grew into balls of chaos. They listened very well to him, Shigaraki, and Kurogiri. The others, it was a hit or miss.
When Katsuki got his quirk, Izuku praised him, and they found another useful skill - Izuku's observation skills rivaled even Kurogiri's. The bright-eyed child would watch Katsuki's training and immediately provide suggestions on how he could be even stronger.He did it for the others as well. He even began to help Dabi figure better ways to control his flames to keep from hurting himself. Toga had long since stopped claiming Izuku would be cuter with some blood and had settled for doing his hair every day. He was like a doll to her. Something he eventually settled in to. No one could say they were best friends...but friends seemed to fit.
Yes, All for One was satisfied with his choices, but wondered what would be a good quirk to give the little doe eyed boy. Not something too powerful... but definitely something useful.
He observed from his headquarters through the monitoring system. He watched how careful Shigaraki was with the two boys, mindfully keeping his hands well away. Izuku never liked that and often would climb things to be able to grip one finger.
Both both were often heard calling the others their brothers and sister, something Toga especially loved. Dabi and Shigaraki treated their two "brothers" as if they were both fragile and indestructible. He approved their plea to start training Izuku. Neither would believe the societal value that quirkless people should be discarded. They saw the value Izuku had and wanted him safe.
So it began. Both boys were trained in hand to hand combat, but while Katsuki had quirk training time, Izuku was given other skills. Toga taught him different skills with knives while Kurogiri expanded his already brilliant mind with strategy and tactical knowledge.
As other lower members joined their team, more skills were brought up. Katsuki loved cooking and learned from anyone who would teach him. Izuku started learning how to use slight of hand and other languages.
All for One truly just smirked. Yes - these boys were the perfect choices.

UA's Gremlins
FanfictionWhen All For One "rescues" two preschoolers from danger, they become his successor's "little brothers" and grow up being frustrating little chaos gremlins. One has the personality of an unstable bomb, while the other is a master manipulator. What...