The Hardest Day Yet

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Once the first day was done, the boys tried to blend in despite the media circus that lasted a few weeks.   It finally took a few low-level heroes patrolling the school to chase the media off.

Katsuki became the golden boy at the school almost overnight.  His quirk was powerful and flashy.  Teachers praised him constantly, and his academics only made the praise grow.  He had found out his birth father had left the city,unable to handle losing his son and wife.  No one knew where he was at this point.  Katsuki told the cops he didn't care.  He had Izuku and his dad, and he happily said that was all he needed.

Izuku's experience was different, as they expected it to be.  Because his quirk was seen as weak and non heroic.  There was even a group of students who started the rumor that he was quirkless, and his claims were made up because of it.  Since he was in a different class than Katsuki,  there was no one to defend his quirk.  The taunts and jokes slowly became more and more cruel.  Eventually, they shifted from nasty comments to physical bullying.  Teachers turned a blind eye because they didn't dare ruin the prospects of talented students.

It was about the middle of the year when the hardest day, either boy had ever experienced happened.

Katsuki went looking for Izuku at the end of school.  They always met outside his classroom, but today the green eyed boy had been no where in sight.  He'd waited until the hallway was nearly empty before he got worried.  He finally decided to go looking for his boyfriend.  He wandered towards the other classroom, bag tossed over his shoulder.  He glared at a few, happy he could be himself.

It did make him sad for his little psycho.   His green bean couldn't be anything other than the meek ball of sunshine others saw him as.   Sometimes, it drove Izuku crazy and their evening training was a bit more violent than normal.  He figured today would call for ice packs and burn cream when they were done.  Maybe some snuggles and even naughty times to sooth his little demon.

The sound of a body hitting the wall shook him from his daydreams.  It was followed by a cry of pain - a cry that made him see red.  He dropped his bag and kicked the classroom door in.  He spotted Izuku against the wall of windows across the room.  His pale face was starting to bruise and blood seeped from his nose, mouth, and a gash over one eye.  His uniform jacket was torn and he held one hand against his body as if to protect it.  The group of his classmates that stood around him were laughing too hard to hear Katsuki's entrance.

Red eyes grew enraged when he saw the desire to kill in his boyfriend's green eyes, but knew he was resisting the urge.  Before Katsuki could move, one of the boys tossed open the window just above Izuku's head.

"Why not take a dive and hope to get a real quirk in your next life?" One of them said as he grabbed Izuku by the collar and hauled him up, pushing him so he was leaning backwards out the open window.  Green eyes seemed to blow open in fear, the rage gone.

Katsuki knew Izuku,  despite their years of hard training, had always been terrified of heights.  He had to do something.

"Oi, fuckers!" He snarled, small explosions popping in his palms.  "Ya seriously so pathetic you didn't notice your real threat here?"

The boys dropped Izuku back to the ground and turned towards him. 

"Get lost, Kacchan, " the one with wings snapped.  "This ain't about you."

Another, with long hair, sneered.  "This little freak said he was gonna go for UA and be a hero."

"He's just a loser who's lying about having anything to avoid being a quirkless freak," the third laughed.

Katsuki smirked darkly as he took a step in.  "I'd rather work with him than you lame ass excuses for people. Least he smells clean."

A teacher strolled in.  "Oh dear," she said looking around.  "What happened?"

Before Katsuki could say anything, the trio puffed out there chest. 

"We caught him breaking in, miss," one said pointing to Izuku.

"Yeah, check his bag.  It was trying to steal," the long haired one said. 

"We had to fight him to stop him," the third said proudly.

"Lies!" Izuku cried out, only to be kicked for his efforts.

Katsuki shook in rage as the teacher frown and walked over to the school bag dumped on the floor.  Her wallet was placed on the top, obviously added to the pile.  She picked it up and sighed.

"Mr. Midoriya,  I am appalled at this," she said.  "Thank you boys.  Go ahead home.  I'll call the principal down."

The trio snickered and hurried off, avoiding getting to close to Katsuki.   The teacher looked at him, waiting for him to leave as well.  Instead he walked past her to Izuku and knelt down.

"It's okay," he whispered as he pulled the shaking boy to his chest.  "You'll get yours...they'll learn."

He just held him as the teacher got the principal and told him the lame ass story.  Katsuki snarled when the man got to close.

"Bakugo,  I know you grew up together, but this behavior-" the man started.

"He didn't fucking do it and you know it," Katsuki hissed at him.  "That bitch has been letting him get bullied and believing the shitheads who are doing it.  Zuku wouldn't steal and it ain't her place or anyone else to tell him he can't be what we wants."

The blond shifted so he could pick Izuku up into his arms.  He turned to the principal and sneered.   "You assholes wanna suspend him?  Then you better suspend me too cause if he gets punished for being bullied I'll burn their fucking houses to the ground and smile in my mugshot."

The adults gasped in horror as he walked out, still holding Izuku.  The school security stopped him from leaving and they were forced to sit in the office to wait for "dad."  No one dared come near them, which meant Izuku got no medical treatment beyond what little Katsuki could offer.

When their "dad" showed up, he just sighed and accepted the slips for a three day suspension for Katsuki for his threat and a two week for Izuku for his "theft" and "fight."

They were finally allowed to leave and Izuku broke down in Katsuki's arms.  The man chose to remain silent, just taking them "home" and calling the League himself.  Kurogiri appeared, yellow eyes slanted in fury.

The mist man pulled his boys close, muttering how they never expected it to get this bad.  Izuku looked up, speaking for the first time in hours.

"I want them to pay....can I make them pay?" He whispered. 

A misty hand patted his cheek.  "Let's get you patched up and I'm sure your siblings would love to plan the hell for those foolish boys."

Izuku smiled as Katsuki carried him through their portal home, already whispering ideas to the evil genius in his arms.

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