Training for School

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Kurogiri got the boys working, so they understood the school curriculum they were to have. He made it clear that they were going to be listed as being fluent in Japanese and English - something he'd made sure they already were.

While he started their school training, Dabi set about setting up their background with a few contacts he had. He also had deep discussions with Katsuki and Izuku on how to control their instincts to protect each other. The trio often talked late into the night and were scolded by Kurogiri for not getting enough rest.

Shigaraki created their history with his brothers and helped them come up with ways to remember it. They laughed and joked, finding ways to build a story that involved their siblings to make it easier. A time or two Izuku got worried about the fake background, but Shigaraki assured his brother they would be find.

Toga helped the boys get their school uniforms settled as well as design a fake 'bedroom' at their 'home' so if someone stopped by, they were covered. Izuku thought the bunk beds were funny since even now they shared a bed, but he understood it.

Then came the hardest part. Izuku began his 'victim' training. He listened as Toga tossed weak insults at him, fighting the urge to taunt her back and instead called on his natural skill of crying. Dabi and Shigaraki would sit with Katsuki, holding him back and talking him through how not to respond. At the end of each day, the two boys would be huddled on the couch, clinging to each other as Izuku cried for real, and Katsuki whispered reassurances.

As days passed, the tensions between the siblings grew deeper. No one liked Izuku being tormented, but they had to help him learn to be a victim for their master's plan to work. The tension finally broke when Izuku erupted into real tears when Toga said it was his fault he had no parents. Katsuki literally blew the couch apart as he launched himself at her. He landed a few good his before Kurogiri warped him away from her and dropped him beside the sobbing Izuku. The blond had immediately turned and cuddled the sobbing teen.

"Enough!" Kurogiri bellowed, his smokey form whipping violently. "Young master, Dabi, please take Toga and get her cleaned up. I will deal with Katsuki."

The trio shuffled off, Toga trying to call out apologies. Kurogiri watched the pair as Katsuki was tender in a way he only ever was with Izuku. He gave them a moment - a moment of Katsuki whispering reassurances and rubbing tears away - before he spoke.

"That was a complete failure on both your parts," the mist man chastised. "Izuku, you are to be a victim, but you should never let yourself become so emotional. And Katsuki, that action will get you expelled and ruin the plan."

"That crossed a line!" Katsuki spat.

"It did, but do you honestly think others will not cross the same line?" Kurogiri asked. He watched the blond sneer and cradle Izuku closer. "You are welcome to defend him, but you have to do it the right way."

As Izuku sniffled and worked on calming down, Katsuki turned worried eyes to their friend. "How?"

Kurogiri moved so stand by their sides. "First, hold him like this and let him have a real reaction if needed. Then look at them and remind them that a villain killed your mothers in front of you, and you barely escaped."

Izuku looked up with his teary eyes. "But sensei is not a bad guy."

"True," Kurogiri agreed. "But they do not know what you do. They do not know the pain he saved them from, and they can't. Allmi-"

"Ass might," Katsuki corrected.

Kurogiri chuckled. "He has painted a wicked picture of our leader and your siblings. So your connections can not be known. That is why we are practicing. Izuku's ability to appear innocent makes him just as easily a target. Letting people see him as such opens the door for you both."

"Scary dog privilege," Izuku muttered. "Swhat Toga says you have, Kacchan. "

Katsuki smirked. "So I'll be your scary guard dog... but I won't kill anyone."

Kurogiri looked at Izuku. "And you?"

Izuku blinked his big eyes at their friend before sighing. "I won't stab anyone if they get too close to Kacchan. "

The man nodded. "We'll stop for today. Go rest before your first day tomorrow. "

Katsuki easily swept Izuku into his arms and disappeared up the stairs. The adult listened as he heard Toga try to apologize again, only to be told to fuck off by the blond and a door slam. It was going to be a long road...but he hoped it was worth it.

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