Katsuki was cleared quickly with a forced healing kiss from Recovery Girl. The boys headed home and immediately through a warp gate to their real home.
Izuku's fist hit Shigaraki's face before he was even fully out of the gate.
The white-haired teen hit the floor with a grunt, and Dabi got between them.
"Cool it!" Dabi snapped.
"Fuck that! He could have gotten us killled!" Izuku snarled. Katsuki held him about the waist, keeping him from going after their brother again.
"What the hell are you talking about? You were together the whole time," Shigaraki spat.
Katsuki frowned. "No, we weren't. I wound up in the mountain area."
"And I was dumped in the middle of the water around the shipwreck," Izuku hissed. "Frog girl pulled me out."
Shigaraki, holding his aching jaw, looked to Kurogiri. "What are they talking about?"
The mist man sighed. "Orders changed, young master. I was told to split them to test their skills as individuals. "
Katsuki glared. "So you dumped him in the water? The nerd can't swim, Kurogiri. "
Kurogiri looked down. "That was a miscalculation on my part, and I am deeply sorry. He was supposed to land on the ship."
Izuku grumbled, leaning into Katsuki's arms. "And the Nomu? That one never listened to anyone."
Shigaraki shrugged. "Master wanted to try it out. It was a spectacular failure. That damn teacher wore it out too much before All Might arrived."
Katsuki considered it. "Why'd you go after Pink Cheeks?"
Shigaraki tipped his head. "Who?"
"The brown haired girl," Izuku supplied. "That we chased you away from."
Their brother scratched at his neck. "I was told to."
The TV screen clicked on, and their master appeared. "I gave that order. It seems a certain teacher has expressed concerns about you two since the entrance exam. So I gave you a chance for you two to play a hero in front of him."
The two boys considered it and nodded. Katsuki then grinned.
"I discovered something awesome about one of Izuku's quirks," the blond announced.
Izuku looked up at him. "Which one?"
"Tracker," Katsuki grinned. "It seems I can track you just like you track me."
Izuku's eyes went wide as his analytical brain went into overdrive. "Really? What did it feel like? Could you follow it? Do you think it would work without the blood bond? Should we test it with others?"
Katsuki cut off the word dump with a quick kiss. "Easy, nerd."
Izuku blushed, biting his lip for silence. All eyes were on the explosive blond.
"It felt like a tug," he explained, arms loose and relaxed around Izuku. "But only when I focused on you. And yeah, I followed the tugs until I saw you. And I dont know if it's cause of the blood bond or not."
"An interesting development," All For One muttered. "Perhaps we ought to try this out. Who else did you blood bond with?"
Izuku thought back. "Kacchan and Big Brother Shiggy. Dabi and Toga didn't want it. Mamagiri said he couldn't."
The scarred man nodded. "Change and you two head out. Keep invisible, and in an hour, I will have Dabi and Shigaraki try to track you down."
Katsuki grinned and led the way to their bedroom to change. Soon enough, they were out the door and into the alleyways, both eager to see if this new discovery worked.

UA's Gremlins
FanfictionWhen All For One "rescues" two preschoolers from danger, they become his successor's "little brothers" and grow up being frustrating little chaos gremlins. One has the personality of an unstable bomb, while the other is a master manipulator. What...