Izuku huffed as he saw Midnight's latest post. He had been assigned to a group with the bird headed boy, the pervert, and the girl with earphone jacks. Katsuki was with the animal kid, frog girl, and the kid with the tail. This was getting annoying!
"Again?" Katsuki grunted as he walked up behind him.
Izuku nodded. "It's like they're doing this on purpose! We haven't been grouped together for anything in weeks."
Katsuki clicked his tongue. "We alone?"
Izuku tipped his head. "Sixty seconds," he answered.
"Think they know?"
"How would they? We've been careful."
"So why this all of a sudden?"
"The park."
"But he didn't clearly see either of us."
"Think it matters? He's smart, Zu."
"Thirty seconds. So what do we do?"
"Play their game."
"Damn nerd. Time check?"
"Good. Follow my lead."
Izuku watched Katsuki head towards the door. He followed, watching his boyfriend as the blond marched up to his group.
"All right, ya damn extras," Katsuki snarled as he dropped his bag. "We will blast the rest of these losers out of the water."
Izuku smiled and caught on, turning to bounce over to his group. "Hey guys! Looks like I'm with you."
"Welcome, Midoriya," Jirou said as she looked up. "So, not upset you're not with Bakugo?"
Izuku shrugged as he sat. "I guess the school is just trying to show us that we can do things without each other."
"Oh?" Mineta asked. "Looking to find a new partner?"
Izuku wrinkled his nose. "Gross! No, grape pervert."
The bird faced teen looked at their tiny peer. "The shadows shall swallow you into despair if you do not cease such behavior."
Mineta squeaked and excused himself to the bathroom to escape his group. Izuku turned a dazzling smile towards Tokoyami.
"Thanks, Tokoyami! He just creeps me out," Izuku said.
Jirou rolled her eyes. "He grosses us all out. But he did have a point. Why do you think the school would try to separate you two?"
Izuku toyed with his poorly done tie. "Kacchan and I have been each other's lifeline all these years," he said softly. "I mean... you know how easily I cry. When we first lost our moms... I cried all the time. Kids at school picked on me a lot. Kacchan was always there to protect me. We're just... I think I heard Midnight say co-dependent. So maybe they're trying to help us see we're not?"
His two group members glanced over to the other corner, where Katsuki was quickly outshouting his group members. They nodded.
"I can see your point," Jirou agreed. "Don't worry, Midoriya. We're here to help you. Now let's rock this project!"
Izuku smiled warmly, a happy glee that they had bought it. As he dug into his bag for a notebook, he activated Pathway briefly and swallowed even darker glee. He could see it was also working for Katsuki. He popped back up with the sunshine smile and dove head first into their project.

UA's Gremlins
FanfictionWhen All For One "rescues" two preschoolers from danger, they become his successor's "little brothers" and grow up being frustrating little chaos gremlins. One has the personality of an unstable bomb, while the other is a master manipulator. What...